Clarence Carter Aww Shit Clare

I think Model Train show is on Rural Farm TV network, which is also home to Dutch Oven. I need to find these both.

Birbigs and Joe Bags
judging by how there are now 570 comments and only a handful of them involve Birbiglia, that's a shame. I saw him last week in Boston and he was stellar. No one has the knack for storytelling like he does — I went back and dug up his debut Dog Years and it falls flat so hard because it's all

a chance
I'll give it a chance, but I've been bored with the tracks I heard earlier in the summer. Perhaps the spacy gazy beachcore shit just isn't for me. I need my music to have some substance to it.

every summer
At least once per summer, I must listen to Modest Mouse's Moon & Antartica in its entirety while driving around on a clear, starry, warm August night at around 2 or 3am. It's tied to the time that I first heard the album, but something about being on back country roads with no other traffic with the warm

have you seen Zulu? Shit was crazy! It was like 10,000 David Ecksteins against A-Rod, Jeter, Michael Caine and a bunch of singing Welchmen.

Charlie Day is being robbed of an Emmy year after year.

i pray they do it again. Since it's on FOX, I'm sure they will. They did a horrifically wonderful job.

yah bro but I keep LOSING my copies of their albums so I gotta keep buyin it. I've also wore the CDs out a few times, man. Frat parties don't DJ themselves you know.

I was amazed that Charlie could actually write an H. That seems to go against his illiteracy. Maybe the intervention helped?

I think it was funnier not knowing what milksteak was, and the fact that both Dennis and Mac KNOW what Charlie means by milksteak takes it to the next level of funny.

next year
I will probably get into this in about a year, just like I do with most mountain goats albums. For some reason I'll spin it now, go "eh" and then pull it back out in a year and really enjoy it. I'm just now enjoying Heretic Pride, so hopefully this is similar, because I like the concept.

Maybe I'm missing something
But I couldn't get through the first 6 tracks. Although, since I drive so much for work I do a majority of my music listening in the car. Maybe this isn't a "car" album but a "sit at home and absorb" album.

I'm sure that will be remade in 2011

Sha Na Na
Sha Na Na was the king of woodstock — you know it's true deep in your heart!

this is great
This is a really really nice album that's perfect for the last of these dying summer days as we fade into fall. Just a hint of warmth hidden in these chilly melodies. plus, kudos for not mentioning Nick's use of Auto-Tune, which I think made for a good technique to make the song richer.

while we're on the subject
I have a 3yr old and a 1yr old, they love ABCs and 123s. Both DVDs are excellent and educational, and hats off to TMBG for grabbing this niche market that no one else is doing — usually artists ignore kids or abandon their adult audiences, they seamlessly straddle the line (usually) and keep

probably the one where it's Charlie's turn to give DeVito his weekly blowjob.

well if she doesn't like it, we'll just sneak into District 9 or maybe Inglorious Basterds then.

ok great! We will try next weekend, I will post my findings here.

good for 3-year-olds?
what do other parents out there that have seen this think about taking their young'uns to see this? My oldest is 3 and we haven't taken her to see a movie yet but we're tempted to try with this. Is it captivating enough (and not too scary) where she'll pay attention and follow? The idea that it's