Bearer Limit

Or they could give the minor character from 'A Storm of Swords' Dickon Manwoody more screen time.

Surely Cersei/Lancel/Osmund Kettleblack/Moon Boy.

This episode has many brilliant lines from Zach to Brian, including:

The list of damages included a chair, a coffee table, an ottoman, and the fence; none of which we see get broken. I think Kyle's family might've been overreacting to the loss of the 'boy with tooth ache' figurine.

The Asian guy is a different diner worker who gets his first and only line in the last episode - something about the going away party Luke is putting together. Before this episode Caesar was played by a different actor/extra who I don't think had a speaking part but was referred to as Caesar.

Previous weeks have given us perplexing questions such as 'Where was Lorelai when Dean and Rory broke up?' and 'How did Lorelai find the time to put up the Yale wall?'. This week we have, 'How was Luke both staying at the The Independence Inn to go skiing with Nicole and asleep at home in order to get the phone call

Off the top of my head, Blake was in Community (the one with the celebrity impersonators) and the short lived Traffic Light.

She was also making them into a tiny hat in the background of the Tom/Tatiana Maslany scenes, which she was then wearing when Tatiana called her weird.

I like the unremarked upon detail that Johnny Machete is actually Johnny Marzetti, and Richard is either misremembering the name from his childhood or he couldn't pronounce it properly when he was a child, because the same thing happens with Turtleneck Soup actually being Mock Turtle Soup when, spoilers, his mother

4) shows that he would probably get on quite well with Luke

And Lane is only mentioned in the Stray Observations and Dave's mile run to the Hockey game out of jealousy isn't mentioned at all.

My favourite scene from these episodes is when Lane reveals (or causally mentions, as she sees it) "The Chilton Thing"; that most of the girls from Stars Hollow High think that Rory is a snob for going off to private school. Not that I agree with it, I just like it when TV shows show us that the characters aren't

They also had Chuck Mangione looking as he did in the 1970s.

They'll back out of having him actually cut down any trees that haven't personally wronged him.

I think 'Dear Emily And Richard' has an interesting parallel with 'Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers' in terms of how Luke acts around Lorelai and another woman he cares about; Rachel and Nicole. Their initial meetings are even staged in very similar ways - with Lorelai at the counter in the diner, her face in

Like mother, like daughter I guess. Lorelai did a similar thing a couple of weeks ago when she wouldn't let go of the fact that Rory had applied to Yale.

He has. He created and starred in 'Look Around You' (very good) and 'The Peter Serafinowicz Show' (very bad) in the UK, and played a main character in the Mitch Hurwitz sitcom 'Running Wilde'.

You're not alone. There's an establishing shot of the Independence Inn in 'A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving' (right after the credits) that always makes me feel like I'm watching Fawlty Towers not Gilmore Girls.

She can't be bargained with.
She can't be reasoned with.
She doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and she absolutely will not stop, ever, until
you are dead.

I like that we get Emily's and Rory's reaction to hearing it, and Lorelai's reaction to hearing it read back to her, all mixed in with fully hearing it in for the first time ourselves. In any case, Kelly Bishop delivering lines written for Lauren Graham is always brilliant.