
Gohn Jalt

What's the deal with people who polish my Lamborghini counter-clockwise?

The writer's rooms demanded lots of cocaine.

Amazon is using this post to sell me three Donald Trump books and a Star Trek action figure named O'Brien.

That's cold, DWM!

+1 Coach K fist pump

Can't get enough of that wonderful DUFF.

But of course, she's Charo!

God help me, I laughed every time someone opened the door.

We should write this show!

Maybe Robyn ran off with Nathan Lane's character to run a hotel in Maine together.

The A.V. Club
diving for tourist pennies in a Micronesian swamp.

Hawaii? What about Hawaii? Les, who's going to Hawaii? Am I going to Hawaii?

cable subscription fees
"the most vile and shocking content"

Ryan Murphy farts, receives Grammy nom

Supernatural triumphs yet again! The last UPN/WB holdover! Jensen Ackles' blood magic really works.

I miss Reaper.

About 180 pounds.

Make with the loofah or get out!

Hey, somebody get this Alex kid a TV!