
"What the fuck are you talking about?" - James Woods, as he lines his blow on top of a cease and desist notice

That should read writer/star/noted virgin Rob Delaney.

Good username/comment synergy.

Matzoh balls? In December? What putz thought this up?

I prefer television classics like "A Charlie Brown Holiday."

Hey, are you Ben Carson's campaign chief?

*A Rabbi sees the title*

Oh, there's a good reason. The budget was cut in half for each subsequent installment.

John Galt is nothing more than a fat old man with little girl legs.

In this season of Supernatural, things happen, fans get serviced and there are next to zero consequences.

Will he and Jimmy Fallon join a monkey in bathing a clown?

Didn't NBC do this show already? With J. August Gunn Deathlok?

Savior of the multiverse!

Magic ooze got into his brain and made him forget everything.

Six crossovers and a spinoff!

Could you I imagine a world without Gotham?
*has a vision of a world in his head with multicultural people walking and holding hands in a circle happily*

*Pedantry alert*
Jason Chaffetz is not a senator.
*End of alert*

*Drinking bird types Y repeatedly*

The A.V. Club
I am interested in upgrading my 28.8 kilobaud internet connection to a 1.5 megabit fiber optic T1 line. Will you be able to provide an IP router that's compatible with my token ring ethernet LAN configuration?

stand back, it's wanking time!