I'm on the fence about Martian Manhunter. The mystery is intriguing, and Eddy Barrows was on point, but the first issue was very disjointed.
I'm on the fence about Martian Manhunter. The mystery is intriguing, and Eddy Barrows was on point, but the first issue was very disjointed.
My LCS has a massive stack of The Omega Men's first issue that hasn't sold. It's sad to look at.
"But my stationary's in the other room! Fine, give me a minute. *huff, huff* Nah, too far. I'll come up with something later." - Chris Christie
Isn't Piyush the guy who said the Republican Party should stop being the stupid party? I guess he couldn't do a 180 fast enough.
Are we sure it's not Comcast who's writing this letter?
I'm having a hard time understanding where you're finding bias against AoS. Nothing in season two scored below a B-. In fact, the last five eps were all B+.
Oliver Sava reviewed AoS. Alasdair Wilkins reviewed most of Arrow. Different people, ergo, different opinions. The AV Club is not a hive mind.
The writers really tried to make this a real Simpsons episode, in spite of the absurd plot device, and I think that separates this from the worst episodes of the series. It helps that the recent seasons have been doing their best to keep this off the Worst Of lists.
Agents Don'tcallthem Avengers
"Bart-Mangled Banner" is my most hated. They are capable of much better political satire than that.
The A.V. Club
Well, now there's no need for profanity
The Principal and the Pauper. I've been waiting for this day.
What is it about Twitter that makes Baldwin and James Woods nuts?
Thanks, I think that's it.
And going from Francis Manapul on art to Brett Booth was adding injury to insult. As in, the story insulted my intelligence, while the art hurt my eyes!
There hasn't been a bigger disappointment in comics for me than the current run on the Flash. They spent an entire year on an evil version of the Flash so they could get to, um, another evil Flash. And all this after the first run had its own evil Flash!
I decided to try Justice League 3001, but it was not new reader-friendly. I had been following the run online a bit, so I get the gist (Cadmus virus turns test subjects into genetic replicas of JL members), but beyond that I'm a bit lost. Can anyone give me a quick rundown on the smaller details, like what's up with…
Can I pick a staffer? If so, I'm taking Barsanti.