
Go Alouettes!

Canadian football? Isn't that just soccer with extra padding?

What, no marshmallows?

You're under the dome? Who told you to go under the dome? I didn't tell you to go under the dome. Why'd you go under the dome?

Hmmm, nope, still not gonna watch. Nice try though, Fox.

Could Netflix pick up another season if Amazon passes, like Yahoo picking up Community despite its Hulu deal? Or is the future of this show truly in the hands of Jeff Bezos?

But what's her take on the Confederate flag?

Check out this guy, trying to start an Internet flame war. NOT GONNA WORK, BUDDY.

And will always be, beyond the end of time.

If Republicans can scoff at Caitlyn Jenner, can I call that Louisiana pinhead Piyush?

I can honestly say that was the best interview with Ralph Jeeves I ever read.

I'm glad this is over. The amount of discussion over who should pretend to be a teenager in a unitard was getting a little out of hand.

What of Debra Messings' scarves? What? For the love of God, tell me!

A lot of shade thrown in that Marlins/Cardinals preview. I approve.

"I really must introduce you to a finer network. That smells like something with a peacock on the logo."

Well, fuck.

This episode feels different from the myriad "The Simpsons visit [blank]" episodes specifically because it's viewed From Homer's perspective. The jokes are keyed almost entirely to what he thinks of New York, rather than an assortment of random takes on superficial knowledge (it probably helps that a lot of the

The A.V. Club
[Woody Allen dumps garbage on it]

Battlebots is the sport of the 21st century, according to the guy who appears in the promos for Battlebots. Clearly an impartial observer, so I'll take him at his word.

I've wanted Sadler to appear on Agents of SHIELD for a while now. It'd be a good way to cross-pollinate without being heavy handed.