
They cut bait on Kimmy Schmidt for this. Just remember that.

He plays the patient who went nuts and got killed by Dr. Scully, is my guess.

One of the things I've always loved about Conan is how much he thrives outside the studio. I can't think of many late night hosts who make a point of regularly finding segments in the real world.

Labor crisis on the heels of casting Ann Coulter? If irony were made of strawberries we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now.

From the network that thought Work It was a good idea…

That's cold, Jay!

Is that the Honest Trailers guy narrating?

Someone needs to do a mashup of American Beauty with the HoC asides. Or HoC with the American Beauty VOs. I'm not sure which would be funnier.

Hey, at least two of those aren't homonyms!

Some super-villain you are!

There are three different Dollmakers in the comics.

Whenever Falcone isn't on screen, people should be asking, "Where's Falcone?"

His bowling escapade was also at the Canoga Park Bowl.


I was half-expecting Ricky to be giving a thumbs up on his hundreds, a la Harry Truman's trillion dollar bill.

The AV Club
really coming together now that Fox veteran Wilmer Valderrama has signed on

"More like Saturday Night DEAD!" - ISIS

If we start making fun of ISIS, what's next, making fun of Hitler? It's a slippery slope, people! RON PAUL 2012

The writers seemed to course-correct this season with regards to making the politics easier to understand. They even included an entire scene just to explain the stuff with Russia.

That's right, I forgot about that. Now that I think about it, they also mention he's been pretty liberal with his veto too.