His ridiculously low approval ratings have to come from something besides being the 21st Century Gerald Ford. It feels cheap to have the Dems ask him not to run, when we have no real idea why.
His ridiculously low approval ratings have to come from something besides being the 21st Century Gerald Ford. It feels cheap to have the Dems ask him not to run, when we have no real idea why.
It's a lot of tell and no show. The leadership saying, "You suck, and we want nothing to do with you," doesn't really give an idea as to how bad he is, and saying his approval ratings are worse than President Blandy McFailure is a cop-out on the writers' part.
You don't really get much of a sense in the first few episodes that Frank is a resounding failure as president. They relied way too much on that Colbert spot to convey the hole he's in.
The eggs represent Jesus.
Daddy says dice are wicked!
It was a million-to-one shot, doc!
I remember finding the third act to be a bit discomforting. There was something really surreal about Lisa's attempts to help Bart.
The A.V. Club
all that money for sitting around and watching TV and eating food
The AV Club
You're a long way from home, yuppie boy
Why, Rupert Murdoch of course!
What if it's a guy who's always in shadow, and Dan Castellaneta provides the voice?
Satan wants to torture you.
Who gets the angry press release out first, Bill Donahue or the Parents Television Council?
We're all still talking about Power Rangers, so Saban is winning by default, I suppose?
"As I once said to Walter, physics is a bitch."
The world needs laughter.
Well, at least they never got around to Mr. Mxyzptlk.
Oh, shit, I forgot about Vixen.