Aluminium Illuminati

* sounds LIKE the name…

I was about to jokingly say that 'Tuberculoids' sounds the the name of a Mars Volta track, but then I remembered that it is actually a track off one of Omar's solo records. Oh dear.

Am I nuts, or does he never actually utter the legendary "but you will blow me first" line? Did everyone already know that?

Sheeeeeeit, I can't believe they mentioned Mixed-Up Mother Goose in there. I haven't thought about that game in about fifteen years. Fucking classic!

Although yeah, that's not a Swartzwelder episode. Where's the delete button on this thing again…?

I agree. Although the four Krusties line is my favourite Simpsons joke of all time.

I understand why Savage Love doesn't have a comments section, but still, I wish it did.

Bahahaha. People still get worked up about 'stealing' television off the internet? If I live in a country where I can't watch the show on TV and can't rent it on DVD, then no one loses a cent if I download the episodes instead. Shit, I might even like the show so much I'll buy the DVDs online (which I've done plenty

"I don't know what the fuck I'm sayin'!"

Record of the Year: Sleepless in Seattle

Cookie_Monster for the win!

I remember it being pretty damn funny when I'm a teenager - I'm pretty keen to check it out again.

Yeah, I'd gnaw 'er jones.

Or… just plain trolling?

Hang on, hang on… Is it ironic that someone whose username is 'The Meaning of "Irony"' clearly doesn't understand the meaning of 'irony'? Or just plain stupid?

Edked: my thoughts exactly. Pathetic move for Larrikin to make. Not to mention that the similarities are tenuous at best.

Glad it's not just me. Thanks, Billy Ray!

It did get thrashed, but I still like it. Same thing happened with St. Germain's 'Tourist', that album pretty much became the lazy option for cafe and restaurant owners to throw on when they wanted to seem cool and groovy. Doesn't mean it's any less of a sweet album though.

"My pops just died"
Did anyone laugh at that and then feel kind of bad about it? I laughed pretty hard. But then, having lost a parent myself I don't feel too horrible. Or does that just make it worse?