Aluminium Illuminati

During the opening short before Toy Story 3, was anyone else sitting there thinking "Day Man! O-aa-ahhhhhh!"?

Hero is unbelievably bad. The Creed track, dare I say it, is enjoyably awful.

I have all of Coldplay's albums and I like them a lot! None are masterpieces but the first two are pretty damn good. X&Y is overblown but enjoyable and Viva la Vida is mostly pretty great as well.

Gritty Reboot: who are you talking to?

Hey guys, is it okay to find Hayden Panettiere hot now?

I'm gonna jump in and say I thought the episode was pretty terrible too. Yeah, the show's done current satire before, but this time it was just lazy and unfunny. Plus it made Futurama seem incredibly behind the curve - it was like they were desperate to make up for lost time and parody all these trends that had sprung

"It came out at a time I was spending alot of time with a cute chick friend I wanted to date and I didn't think I had a chance…"

'4 Minute Warning' by Radiohead is one that sticks out for me. I first heard it soon after losing my mum in an accident and the opening line "this is just a nightmare, soon I'm gonna wake up" pretty much summed the whole mess up. Not to mention that it's a pretty bleak song overall. I still find it hard to listen to.

Yeah, every time I see that scene a weird, irrational part of me hopes that it will somehow end differently. JUST PUT THE PHONE DOWN, MAN!

Phenomenal track!

You're a douche. Don't drag the good Bungle name through the mud.

For me Black Thought can be a little hit and miss - on some tracks he's amazing, on others he almost makes me cringe. Most of the time I'd say he's pretty damn good though, not quite up there with the all-time greats but when he's on he is ON. He pretty much kills it for all of Illadelph and Things Fall Apart. Not

I love The Tipping Point, start to finish.

After a week, I'm really enjoying it. I like the fact that it's concise, and cohesive as well - although it could do with a little more variety, perhaps. Sonically it's quite a departure from Rising Down, but thematically I think it retains some of the bleakness, before becoming more optimistic in the second half.

@A skinny old confused japanese bastard:

I have a vague memory of it being on at something like 10pm, but maybe it was more like 8 and it just seemed late to me at the time. It's all pretty hazy, haha…

That was some A+ baiting from Nabin.

I'm gonna go with the Golden Years being 3-6 as well. 1 & 2 are both pretty great but the show was still settling in at that point, and 7 & 8 are great as well but just don't quite reach the heights of the previous seasons. 9 & 10 have some great episodes in there but also some complete clunkers ( 'All Singing, All

I remember seeing the shocking scene on the ad for this one when it first came out, and it left a pretty deep impression on my five year-old brain. Don't think I watched the actual episode though - if I remember right, the Simpsons was shown pretty late when it first came on NZ TV.

I'm still waiting on that real-life Two and a Halfsharkalligatorhalfmen.