Aluminium Illuminati

Well actually, I guess Peep Show does that as well, although the arcs aren't quite as pronounced.

I'd just like to throw Curb Your Enthusiasm out there as a great example of serialised comedy. Each season but the first has a distinct story arc that climaxes in the final episode: I can't think of anything else quite like it.

Damn. I kind of want to see this ad with the walking-around guy just so I can join in on the hate. I just have an innocuous one about gin.

Fucking incredible stuff. I love how he says "shit on yourself" instead of just "shit yourself".

Good call. I'll definitely be using "dick-infested man mattress" at some point!

"My doctor told me diet and exercise could really help my the. I've been taking his advice and I've lost 10 pounds when I someone eat it, but it's hard to tell how much it's affected my the."

"I'm Like a Bird" is pretty great. And no, Rabin wasn't making a joke, 'Pussy Galore' is a Roots track and that line is indeed in the Phrenology liner notes.

A stone-cold classic
Good to see 'Things Fall Apart' and 'Black on Both Sides' getting some love as well - together, three of the best hip-hop albums ever made. Clearly, I have to check out 'Unseen'.

'Homie the Clown' has my all-time favourite Simpsons line ever:

Don't know if I can put together a list, but I'll echo the love for 'Last Exit to Springfield'. That episode is phenomenal. 'Bart Gets an Elephant', 'Marge vs. the Monorail' and 'Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badassss Song' are fantastic as well.


I thought it was pretty terrible. Jemaine was far and away the best part of it, and Sam Rockwell had some good moments too. The rest was at best mediocre, at worst fucking awful. The snake crap scene was a low.

I seen this, and yeah, the tone goes all over the place in the second half. It mars an otherwise pretty good film.

Yes, I suffer from that too. "Classic intercourse!" is a favourite.

Wait, you mean Merzbow's not a household name?

Can't wait for his upcoming Japanese noise collaboration, MURSbow.

This comment thread had me seriously LOLing.

I think it's pretty clear that ZMF is the least pathetic person who took part in the above shitstorm.

Also, I had to double-check the date just to be sure that this review wasn't some kind of April Fool's joke. Bizarre.

As much as I'd love to chastise you for that uninspired attempt, I have to agree that it is a fuckin' banging track.