Aluminium Illuminati

I fucking love I'm Alan Partridge.

Jam terrifies me. Great stuff, though.

Radzinsky wins.

In the words of David Brent, "why don't you fuck off?"

Agreed, part one was some next-level shit. Can't wait to hear this.

Yeah, and while we're at it, what's the difference between Lenny Kravitz and Jimmy Hendrix anyway? I mean, their NAMES even sound the same!!!

1985… Seems to sit pretty comfortably in the middle of y'all.

I hate to be that guy, Steve, but it's 'pre-eminent', not 'pre-imminent'. Unless that was some kind of weird pun.

I love all three Shins albums, but I reckon Wincing's their best. Inconsequential? Fuck no.

That alternate universe was New Zealand, where tracks like 'Evidence', 'Stripsearch' and 'Last Cup of Sorrow' got a decent amount of airplay. I think they stayed pretty popular in Australia too.

Yeah, it's a beautiful track indeed,

Ringo was a brilliant drummer, and in any other band that would be enough for people. But because he was the only Beatle who wasn't also a fantastic singer and songwriter, he tends to get shat on. Unfair.

Yeah, and it's basically a completely different show now. The new ones are pretty hit and miss, but I'll defend seasons 2 & 3 to the grave!


Caruso was the best gimmick poster EVER. Except for maybe the pirate Caruso.

Oh yeah, good call on those who mentioned Selma's Choice (aka the Duff Gardens one).

Hey, I thought it was funny.

And was 'Bad Blood' the episode where half is told from Mulder's perspective, and the other half from Scully's? Because I remember that being pretty hilarious. Then again, I was a kid at the time.

Good call on Reality Takes a Holiday! I remember that was possibly the most clever thing I'd ever seen when I first saw it.

Last Exit to Springfield… Definitely the best.