Aluminium Illuminati

Nice try, Strange!

Nah, I also rate it really highly.

Psst, Noel… You called it 'Plastic Days' near the end of the review.

That cover rules! And I absolutely love this kind of music. Just downloading Martin Denny's Exotica now.

Thetouth: you're not one of those people who doesn't know what 'literally' means, are you?

Woo! New Zealand!
I'm swelling with patriotic mucus!

It's definitely one of the strongest B-sides/rarities collections I've heard. The way the tracks are sequenced so seamlessly, it's hard to believe they were ever released in any other form. The bonus disc from RATW works surprisingly well start-to-finish too.

Super Furry Animals - Out Spaced

Cheers. Hopefully no one realises that was a stealth firstie gone wrong…

Okay, so we've established that Hot Chip are not a great dance-rock outfit. That's because they're not a dance-rock outfit.

Fuck, Caruso was pure gold. Biastioc's great too.

Yeah, I'll second (tenth?) Portishead. 'Dummy' in particular.

Hi there…
May I chime in for just a moment?

Way to be disappointed by an inaccurate two-word description, retard.

As people, though, Kid Rock is the world's biggest anus.

I think Staind and Nickelback are the lowest of the low, with Kid Rock and Creed just above them. I'd put Limp Bizkit slightly above all those, if only because some of their stuff is so bad it's hilarious. 'Rollin''? Side-splitting. Deftones and SOAD were definitely unfairly lumped in with all that shit.

So Liberal And Progressive: what the fuck are you on about?

I'm going to hijack this keen observation to state that In It for the Money rules.

He's okay, he's just coming on a little strong.

Aha… ahaha… Wonder who got the power pack? Aha… hahaha… ahaha… NEWS.