Aluminium Illuminati

Back of the net!

How'd they explain her getting taller? These are the things that keep me awake at night.

Thank god SFA got a nod, if only one. That band has brought me ridiculous amounts of joy.

Apparently that was ground into road surfacing. Fingers crossed this goes the same way…

Too true. That'd be in my top five.

Dear Science is good, Cookie Mountain is transcendent. And Kid A should definitely be number one. What Tunde said, in other words.

So many great characters… I'm going to show some love for Daniels, not necessarily because he's my favourite but because he hasn't really been mentioned yet. Great character.

I'd put The Office (UK) and The Wire at first equal for best shows I've seen this decade. Fucking brilliant television.

Can I get some love for Mr. Bungle's 'Dead Goon'?

Agreed, TomWaits.

2.5 - Gigli, Master of Disguise and half of Swept Away. All three seen as part of a 'bad movie' weekend. The first two were enjoyably bad, I have to say. Master of Disguise holds a special place in my heart - I mean, the main character is called Pistachio Disguisey! Solid gold! And let's not forget the turtle.

Nice Merzbox reference. But yeah, this sounds fantastic.

I just discovered Chris Morris this year and yes, more people need to be exposed to his work. That said, the first episode of Jam has to be one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen.

"Jurassic Park!"

I'm also glad to hear some love for the Friday Night Armistice. Iannucci is a legend!

Actually, change that to: 'intended to be tongue-in-cheek.' Got to preempt the Grammar Nazi backlash.

Now I know that was probably intended as tongue in cheek, but still: dude.

Any plans to come to Osaka?

Asher Roth sucks anus.

Hey, we all need to joke during times of tragedy: it's human nature.