Aluminium Illuminati


Well, you can laugh and criticize Michael Jackson if you wanna, but Woody Allen molested and married his step-daughter. The same press kickin' dirt on Michael's name show Woody and Soon-Yi at the playoff game, holdin' hands. Sit back and just bug, think about that. Would he get that type of dap if his name was Woody

Don't be so modest, man.

This is the funniest comment thread I've ever read. Congratulations to all involved!

Glad to see some love for You Know My Name, Look Up The Number. Or at least a reference to it. That song rules. As does Rain. Yuss!

Great Partridge quote. Back of the net!

You mean, the SECOND it comes out?

For hilarious mash-ups, I can't get past 50 Cent mashed up with the Thomas the Tank Engine theme. Shit works so perfectly together:

Left-Eye…not smellin' so good: You bastard. I laughed, and then felt like a dick.

There was a similar gag in the movie 'Wrongfully Accused', actually…

Don't forget that New Zealand is pretty liberal when it comes to what they show on TV. None of this censorship that Americans have to put up with. Shit, we got the Sopranos, uncensored, at 9:30pm on free-to-air TV.


Dan Brown's prose is appalling, as we all know. But here's something I don't get it: even those who admit the book isn't exactly a work of art still describe it as being 'a real page-turner' or 'hard to put down'. Really? Are people that easily sucked in by a cheap cliff-hanger at the end of each (ridiculously short)

Shit, that just made me laugh out loud.

Not entirely true, the tone of the show got more surreal as it went on. Plus they brought in the baby for cute value.


Rick Dagless owns the first Audioslave album? *brain explodes*

"Before Brian, we could always assume that it was just Bret, Jemaine, and Murray that were the goofy New Zealanders and it added to their characters. Now, we have to assume it's the whole islands, and it takes away some of the main three's specialness."

Remember that time Shrek was shorn on an iceberg? Priceless. (I wish I was joking).

Can I just say that, had a porno version of the British Office been released first, it would have been vastly superior in every respect?