Aluminium Illuminati

"I'm a gigantic brain!"

Can I just say…
…that this new Gateways to Geekery (G2G?) feature is fantastic? Keep them coming!

Yes, that was a brilliant touch, though I think Jemaine describing the Australian accent as a more evil version of our own was my personal favourite.

Yeah, I assumed it was an extension of the joke about the helmet that looks like Bret's hair. But it still could have been Gondry's idea, I guess.

I would also place it right up there. The abundance of Australia/New Zealand jokes really pushed it over the edge.

The clocks on the wall were the best visual gag of the night, I reckon. I wonder if non-New Zealanders found it as funny?

What is wrong…
…with Christian Bale's accent? It's all over the place.

I agree heartily with…
…Tasha and Amelie. People who get smug about not owning a TV or claim that "(any genre) all sounds the same" are ignorant shits. As if you can dismiss an entire genre or medium and not come off looking like a thorough douchebag.

Staircar1 FTW!

How do people feel about the Wayne's World films? I'm a big fan.

Of course, I'm only referring to the first film - the two sequels were shite.

Yeah, that's what I was going for. I actually quite like Austin Powers, but adding that disclaimer would've ruined the joke.

It's a shame…
Mike Myers' post-WWII output really hasn't been that great.

Based on current trends, Super Furry Animals should be putting out an album this year. Has anyone heard anything?

"Don't just stand there. Help me."

Fair call. I find Pitchfork varies wildly in tolerability depending on the reviewer. Brent DiCrescenzo is one of the worst, though - christ, that Kid A review is unreadable.

So… Can we organise a time and place?

"If you seek Amy with a big ol' divining rod, then get ready for some DOWSING!"

As a New Zealander…
…I am swelling with patriotic mucus!