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<3 Mountain Goats

<3 Mountain Goats

I don't think that potential and pretension are mutually exclusive. The film has potential from the source material. Does being an adaptation prevent the film from being pretentious? The film doesn't fail to say anything… it says plenty, just nothing as profound or important as it seems to think it does. When nearly

I don't think that potential and pretension are mutually exclusive. The film has potential from the source material. Does being an adaptation prevent the film from being pretentious? The film doesn't fail to say anything… it says plenty, just nothing as profound or important as it seems to think it does. When nearly

This film is brilliant to the average moviegoer in the way that Coldplay is the best band ever to someone who has only heard the top 40.

This film is brilliant to the average moviegoer in the way that Coldplay is the best band ever to someone who has only heard the top 40.

I'd understand how it would be lazy if it was my only criticism. I am a discerning viewer, and I like films that make me think. I study film. Though I've noticed that most people who complain about the use of the word pretentious in film reviews are those who don't understand what it means in this context, and they

I'd understand how it would be lazy if it was my only criticism. I am a discerning viewer, and I like films that make me think. I study film. Though I've noticed that most people who complain about the use of the word pretentious in film reviews are those who don't understand what it means in this context, and they

It's not hard to understand at all. Well some of the futuristic dialogue is hard to understand, but the themes are pretty blatant.

It's not hard to understand at all. Well some of the futuristic dialogue is hard to understand, but the themes are pretty blatant.

I'm pretty sure that C- is me.. and I was pretty generous with it.

I'm pretty sure that C- is me.. and I was pretty generous with it.

I'm really surprised by the B. This movie was tedious, bloated, and pretentious. I'm still angry about the 3 hours of life that I lost. The jokes were for the simple-minded. The makeup was often laughable. The bad green screen made the CW look like pros. Halle Berry still can't act. Sure it had some potential, but it

I'm really surprised by the B. This movie was tedious, bloated, and pretentious. I'm still angry about the 3 hours of life that I lost. The jokes were for the simple-minded. The makeup was often laughable. The bad green screen made the CW look like pros. Halle Berry still can't act. Sure it had some potential, but it

NBC is a pizza burn on the roof of the world's mouth.

NBC is a pizza burn on the roof of the world's mouth.

Wow, no love for Atlanta… and I've been spinning both High on Fire and Primate's newest albums all summer on zee radio.

Wow, no love for Atlanta… and I've been spinning both High on Fire and Primate's newest albums all summer on zee radio.

They are listed here:

They are listed here: