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Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" was one of them. I think part of her list was featured in the open source documentary RiP!: A Remix Manifesto

Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" was one of them. I think part of her list was featured in the open source documentary RiP!: A Remix Manifesto

You do realize that paying fines for illegally downloading music, doesn't give the artist anymore money than buying a used CD or illegally downloading music, right?

You do realize that paying fines for illegally downloading music, doesn't give the artist anymore money than buying a used CD or illegally downloading music, right?

d'awwww, baby Mike.

d'awwww, baby Mike.

god damnit, it is. Enver Gjokaj. I might have to watch now.

god damnit, it is. Enver Gjokaj. I might have to watch now.

I just watched this series last year, so it's a bit too soon for a re-watch. I do enjoy the reviews though, Todd.

I just watched this series last year, so it's a bit too soon for a re-watch. I do enjoy the reviews though, Todd.

God damnit. I remembered Hook fondly… and thought Rufio was a/the fat kid, but remembered him fondly too. I loved this movie as a wee lass. I just re-watched the scene. DAMN YOU.

God damnit. I remembered Hook fondly… and thought Rufio was a/the fat kid, but remembered him fondly too. I loved this movie as a wee lass. I just re-watched the scene. DAMN YOU.

Next Caller sounds like a re-hash of the god awful Katherine Heigl/Gerard Butler rom-com The Ugly Truth.

It's usually up on demonoid before midnight est.

After 6 months of uncertainty, I can finally remove this felt goatee. This is *not* the darkest timeline.

Damn, those kids at Wikipedia are on top of their shit!

I've played that game. Never got a Buffy vibe from it.

I saw it alone and still couldn't hear over my own laughing.

Yup, his script was scrapped. They did offer him a very generous "story" credit though.

I sympathize with the mountain dews. I drank a bunch before the showing and had to pee reaally bad about an hour in. I, for the briefest of moments, considered peeing into a cup. ha. Yeah, I wasn't leaving the theatre for anything. I held it. Though it would be a better story if I hadn't.