almost cookies

I totally enjoyed this stoner pop album on 4/20. Not a stoner… but it felt right all the same.

sludge gives me a warm, tingly feeling. as, i love it. melvins, isis, baroness, torche, etc. yes, please. pour some sludge on meeeee.

@avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus Gina Torres was Jasmine in Season 4! heh. The role of Eve went to Sarah Thompson, who is cute but not even close to the beauty of Morena.

But there was humor. Some examples: Die Hard guy, Leonard, Troy and the truth serum(!) If you didn't laugh at the truth serum… I don't understand.

Also, she was supposed to play the character of Eve on Angel Season 5 but she was contractually-obligated to something else and the scheduling didn't work out.

He knows that Homeland is much too awesome for him to steal her from it.

I don't know… she was great as Faith on Buffy and Angel. And it's not like he exactly chose her for Dollhouse. He knew she was better than the shitty horror movies she was making and they sat down and thought of Dollhouse to show her range, since she already had a contract with Fox. Chances are, he realized her range

It's not like it was a casting fail. The contract was Eliza's and she asked Joss for help and together they came up with the concept for the show.

Yeah, I wish Amy Acker had been around more in that show. I don't think Eliza is a bad actress but she constantly felt "in the way" of everyone else's story.

Crap, really? Could you elaborate on this "pretentious" accusation you throw around?

"I cried during About a Boy: The Soundtrack!"

I kind of hated this finale. On one hand it was nice to see Bridget get the truth out and SMG's performance was great but we didn't learn anything new. Nothing. We just get to watch people react to shit that we've known for weeks. SMG needs a better show or Ringer needs way better writers.

Well if you don't recognize the, imo obvious, metaphors and the meaning of the ending… it kind of makes a difference. If taken at face value, yes, I can see how you would think it was bland. I can also understand how many casual movie goers would hate the ending, but that was the point. Not for them to hate it, but to

or even Brown Jamie Lee Curtis

You don't know that you won't like it. It IS a good movie. There may be a chance that you won't like it because you don't get it… but you don't need to be a horror buff to love it, enjoy it, and thoroughly appreciate what it is trying to do. This is one of the smartest movies, horror or no, that I've seen in a long

No, if you got what the movie was going for… the ending made perfect sense. It had to be that way.

The only thing that sucks is that the people who really needed to understand what the movie was about, didn't.

try adding more specific words like "movie times" in pickacity, maine? or go to rotten tomatoes and find tickets that way….?

The Cabin in the Woods was actually due in October 2009 and then it was pushed back to early 2010 for a 3D conversion which thankfully never happened. It was then that MGM went bankrupt and had to put it on the shelf.