almost cookies

I watched some episodes of Smallville with my roommate and it was pretty horrible, but the Green Arrow/Justice League stuff showed real potential. It's a shame that they are going away from the comics. Green Arrow is a pretty interesting dude, much like Batman. Maybe too much like Batman though.

This and the Party Down movie news in the same day….

@avclub-58f5fdc24696f56a135893cb6a0ebade:disqus You can loosen your ethics, while still being better than Walt, and be watching Season 4 in HD in a matter of minutes. :3

Oh, I don't know about those ass pains. I utilize the interwebs.

The Devil and Daniel Johnston freaked me out pretty bad. I can barely listen to his music anymore.

I watched all 4 seasons of Breaking Bad in one week and finished the penultimate episode just 20 minutes before the season 4 finale aired.. and then I watched that.

This is the best review of this movie, ever.

Not in the US. Our Netflix Leverage is DVD only.

Also, who the hell is Mercedes Heinila? The picture up top says that name instead of Emma Caulfield.

I loved that Eliot got Parker the venus fly trap. Her excitement over it was too cute.

Marsters said he would do it as long as his face holds up, which it amazingly has. Joss doesn't seem to be interested though.

She doesn't have them anymore.

Fray movie!

K. Thrace,

That's not Spike, that's Randy. Randy Giles.

They weren't going to use any of the characters from the series, other than Buffy.

Yeah when this was first announced, the article had a HUGE picture of her face. Like we're supposed to say, "Ohh a somewhat attractive woman that won't be in this film. I'll see this."

That might be because of the new installment coming out. But seriously, American Pie is like a quintessential teen comedy.

Yeah, I'm still waiting for the Fray movie.

I always hoped that if they rebooted the show, they'd do it after 30 years with *maybe* some of the actors' kids. Alyson and Alexis have a whedonverse baby already and another on the way.