almost cookies

I don't think Buffy ended horribly at all. It was a satisfying ending for me, at least, and that last season had some really great episodes in it. I feel like it successfully bounced back from the dark season 6 that most people hated and got back to the series mission statements from the beginning.

Season 4 is widely considered the worst season of Angel. It had a ton of great episodes but that Connor and Cordy storyline.. ugh.

I haven't read or seen any of these but a friend was comparing Fincher's to the Swedish film and saying that he liked it but wasn't sure how he felt about it because he didn't think it was better than the Swedish one. I don't think it needs to be better but anyway..

I love being called a snob for having a deeper appreciation for music than "OMG this is *adjective*.. I can *verb* to this!"

so you hate music or you just prefer mindless entertainment?

oh.. right. how did i miss those?

What exactly leads you to believe that Darnielle is pretentious? Sam
Beam as well. Both singer-songwriter's could be known by their full
names instead of band names, but I get the impression that both are more
concerned with making lovely music than they are with being recognized
individually. Has Darnielle said that


goddamn, i'm sorry troll.

Or he's a plot person. Plenty of people like good things but don't understand why. Or they just enjoy the plot and don't know what makes the show effective or not. Flukes, my friend. Not taste.

I swear I get fucking teary at most of his music, even when it is far from sad.

goddamn, i love the mountain goats. <3

Aww, damn. My 25 seems less impressive. ;__;

There are only 30 shows listed…so?

I should've known my 25 notifications of my favorite television shows would be in a list like this. Validated.

I keep trying to convince everyone to watch Breaking Bad. I've gotten a few of them to but its mostly the ones that are somewhat discerning anyway.

I'm baffled by all of the people on facebook who loved this season. Their minds were "blown" by the finale. why are people so accepting of garbage?

Wait, so it's still cool to hate Korn? Just checking.