almost cookies

How so?

I feel like I missed something. Are Parker and Hardison all of a sudden dating and they just decided to hint at this during this episode…or did I miss them starting to date?

Goddamn I could eat at Hankook everydayyyyyy

Sorries, I haven't heard that album yet. It's on a long list of ones I've yet to listen to as a whole along with the new Fleet Foxes, Black Lips, Gringo Star, etc. I thought I had failed pretty hard at keeping up with music this year but at least Britney Spears is not on my list. -__-

You guys forgot a couple, couple three.

There aren't many bands like Deerhoof, but if you like females vocals and varying kinds of good music.. check out Asobi Seksu and Screaming Females.

Surely he meant Joe Sweden.

How far did you get into the show? It had some rough spots but overall had great writing. They had five years of show planned and then ended up cramming it into the second season when they found out they were being canceled. Could have been a much better show had it been given the proper treatment and time but even

I'd like to see Tio and Magnitude debate.

I also was disappointed with Amber Benson's "guest star" spot. As soon as I saw the dead body, I realized that she would only be in flashbacks and how important could that information really be now? What a cheap attempt to get more Buffy viewers to tune in. It would have been nice had Amber and Sarah shared a scene

Holy christ, thank you.

Ringer is the trashy soap I never knew I wanted. I'm enjoying it a hell of a lot more than Dexter this season.

Oh god, I had forgotten about that one. That's a close call.

That picture is perfect. MCH: "We're really putting this garbage on TV? And here I thought Gamer would be the embarrassment of my career."

I agree. I kept waiting for him to say "dead."

I figured it had something to do with his house arrest. Most of the episode was spent trying to get around that.

Those kinds of cases don't usually get sent to House's department. In most cases, the patients have been seen by other doctors who were stumped. I don't know the episodes well enough to cite by name but there have been plenty of cases that haven't taken the whole episode to solve and the rest of the time was dedicated

I thought House said something about asking them to meet at the coffee shop instead of the usual place because he had an appointment.. or something?

I don't think she could really know what that many pills could do to her and didn't want to risk it without talking to Rick first. I've taken Plan B before, the one pill and the two pills, and they both cause extreme abdominal pain for several days that make cramps seem like a walk in the park. Several packs might not

It's cool. I apologize if I came off as super aggressive, I have become annoyed at how much the writer's were being bashed on this one little detail. They have plenty of other things to be bashed on certainly, but in many cases I found this argument to be ridiculous.