J. Jonah Jameson

Misandrist Invective Leveld at America! Hanna "Hammer" Rosin Declares Gendercide on Hard Working American Men!

Online Morons Demand Orthodontia! The Latest Threat to America's Innocence! A Bugle Exclusive You Can't Afford to Miss!!!

Online Morons Demand Orthodontia! The Latest Threat to America's Innocence! A Bugle Exclusive You Can't Afford to Miss!!!

Well whaddaya think he uses all those webs for?! New Yorkers; Unite to Get Spider-Pervert Off Our Streets and Away From Our Children!!!

Well whaddaya think he uses all those webs for?! New Yorkers; Unite to Get Spider-Pervert Off Our Streets and Away From Our Children!!!

Simmons?! That hack?! I demand Tom Selleck or better!!!

Simmons?! That hack?! I demand Tom Selleck or better!!!

Yes! Excelsior! The wall crawling creep has been taken down! All that tireless work, and the AV Club is now a Spider-Man free zone! You know Sava, I take back what I said about you. You're NOT a chicken-livered, yellow-bellied, pinko Commie, mama's boy spider-loving nogoodnik! Stick with me kid! You'll go places!

Yes! Excelsior! The wall crawling creep has been taken down! All that tireless work, and the AV Club is now a Spider-Man free zone! You know Sava, I take back what I said about you. You're NOT a chicken-livered, yellow-bellied, pinko Commie, mama's boy spider-loving nogoodnik! Stick with me kid! You'll go places!

Yes! It took years of muckraking, but we finally did it! Show's what you know Robertson! "Oh Jonah, we really ought to cover the Valarie Plame case! Jonah, do you really think we should run another anti-Chumbawaba editorial on the front page when the situation in Syria is heating up?" It was all worth it for today, oh

Yes! It took years of muckraking, but we finally did it! Show's what you know Robertson! "Oh Jonah, we really ought to cover the Valarie Plame case! Jonah, do you really think we should run another anti-Chumbawaba editorial on the front page when the situation in Syria is heating up?" It was all worth it for today, oh

@avclub-993f6ac760ffd6c09413c22f4f4aa627:disqus  Well, Ms. Knope showed up on time, and a busy man like me appreciates that. She also brought along a fetching mulatto girl for "moral support." (And that's not racist. Some of my best employees are Afro-Americans) Sparks flew as we verbally sparred over big government's

@avclub-993f6ac760ffd6c09413c22f4f4aa627:disqus  Well, Ms. Knope showed up on time, and a busy man like me appreciates that. She also brought along a fetching mulatto girl for "moral support." (And that's not racist. Some of my best employees are Afro-Americans) Sparks flew as we verbally sparred over big government's

Even after my scathing review, people still went out to see this trash!

Even after my scathing review, people still went out to see this trash!

Now listen here Sava! First, you should be asamed of being a grown man writing about funny books for kids! Get a real job and be a plumber or shoe shine boy or something! And if you must write about funny papers, you ought to cover something All American and wholesome, like Archie or Ritchie Ritch - you know,

Now listen here Sava! First, you should be asamed of being a grown man writing about funny books for kids! Get a real job and be a plumber or shoe shine boy or something! And if you must write about funny papers, you ought to cover something All American and wholesome, like Archie or Ritchie Ritch - you know,

You're fired!

You're fired!

I'm trying to protect America's familes! Harsh times call for harsh measures and harsh language! Don't let Justin Bieber near your daughters' butts! That's where they're most vulnerable!