
Does anything even matter, man?

Mr. Watterson may not like to give interviews or public appearances, but when I wrote to him as a kid he not only wrote back a detailed written response, he even included an unpublished fully colored Calvin and Hobbes strip. Bill Watterson is that rare breed of creative type who is not only passionate about his work,

You kinda fell out of character there towards the end. I mean, geez, is this a role-playing server or what?

I was perplexed by the whole buying of Mickey's life insurance policy. Was this a real thing, and why would Rothstein own an insurance policy on someone else's men? It seems like they could save themselves a lot of headaches and just make a racket out of knocking off each others henchmen while splitting the profits.

I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something?

I am the Walrus, Dude?

We put down the things we carry when I say we put down the things we carry.

His job done, Bender stole everything of value from Robot House and rand off.

The Room 2: Playroom. This time, the catch is indoors. Coming to theaters nowhere in Spring 2014.

Abba Zabba, you my only friend.

There is no universe, no trans-dimensional rift, in which Boardwalk Empire succeeds without Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson.  The subtlety with which he often wields his power and influence are what makes his character so interesting in contrast to one dimensional notes like Gyp, Rothstein or most of the remaining

And I say the best Prime Minister was Lord Palmerston.

So Mr. White made the entire trip from Albuquerque to middle of nowhere New Hampshire in that empty propane truck?  That's like a 35 hour drive lying on a cold metal shell at highway speeds.  I hope he at least had a bucket in there.

I also found that accidental shooting scene to be deeply disturbing, somehow even more then the school shooting.  Something about the way he was apologizing profusely as he was killing her was really unsettling and I think you're right about it feeling very real in that sense.

Peter Weller does have degrees in Art History and is adjunct faculty in the history department at Syracuse.  I have the feeling he insisted on ad-libbing his little history lesson.

Doc and Jackson are responsible for the most clever show on TV right now and this interview makes it clear why.  They understand their characters in a way that very few writers ever bother to explore.  Hank, Dean and even minor background characters are each treated as if they are real people with unique histories,

Yeah if he was 11 when ATHF premiered then it's obvious why he doesn't like the show.  He merely hasn't ingested enough THC to understand it yet.  Give him time.

Just miles from your doorstep, hundreds of men are given weapons and trained to kill. The government calls it the Army, but a more alarmist name would be… The Killbot Factory. I'm Kent Brockman, and this is News Night.

David Simon has an answer for gang violence.  Film it and make fist-loads of money by portraying it in the same neutral attitude that allows it to fester in the first place.

I thought the episode was a funny commentary on how ultimately we care more about our own asses then others, even when the greater good is at stake.  If Bender has to cripple an orphan or drown a few dozen sailors to make himself feel whole, then he might as well enjoy himself doing it right?