
I love they had the "Yay, Calculon's back!" guy again.  Whose name is apparently Randy Munchnik according to the infosphere.

World War Z would have made an awesome TV show, even basic cable channels like FX and AMC can get away with lots of gore now.  The nature of the book would have been much better applied to the episodic nature of a dramatic series, using a single narrator to setup and deliver a new story each week that focuses on one

Can someone please turn this photo into a meme of Robert Downey Jr. dropping hard truths on people in a comforting, paternalistic sort of way?  I propose the first one show him consoling Obama upon the realization that American citizens are not, in fact, reassured by his constant reading of our emails.

The "Jamie Lannister sends his regards" line from the book came off as cruel and ironic this time since Jamie meant it as more of a sardonic quip than something he had a hand in orchestrating.

I think some of the criticism is unfounded and stems from the new format on Netflix.  Personally I liked that the episodes can be watched out of order without missing out on anything.  Instead of watching each episode serially as I would on TV, I could pick episodes based on which character I felt like watching at

I love how often you pick up on things not realizing you have stumbled upon something.  Also, prepare to eat some three-eyed crow when the final 2 episodes air.

Do you really need to ask why?  He's rich, he's famous, and he's black.  Society rewards people like him for breaking the law.

Or put it in a fry lock

I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life full of meatgiffing

Amazed that no one in the audience shot them.  This did take place in Missouri, you know.

They don't care if the Vega flops, just whether or not the marketing campaign is a success.  And historically you have to admit it was, the Vega originally met positive press and was touted as the next big seller for Chevy but it ultimately failed because of corporate executive hubris. Designed and built a car without

Not sure if this has been answered yet, but I'm 99% sure the car being marketed is the ill-fated Chevy Vega.

Ok I was wrong before.  The absolute best part is when they awkwardly try to set up some pre-recorded Jamie Kennedy bit about "going green", only to show 4 seconds of black before jumping into an introduction for an old stand up bit before cutting to the very end of the clip they were supposed to play, all perfectly

No, wait.  Best part is when Jamie cues up the interview with Shannon Elizabeth instead of setting up the commercial break.  There's a long pause as they try to bring up the Shannon Elizabeth feed while Jamie looks visibly embarrassed that gave the wrong cue and has no clue how to fix it.  Finally get the interview

Hahaha, the best is when Jamie Kennedy is whining into the microphone about how he can't find the camera guy or stage manager, and then you hear someone yell "Jamie don't talk into the microphone, we can hear you"

I'm disappointed in you A.V. Club, about half these films actually had some sort of marketing campaign to promote them.  When I read an A.V. Club list of best films, I expect them to be mostly foreign language, experimental art house, and definitely black and white.  How are you going to prove your obviously superior

I'm disappointed in you A.V. Club, about half these films actually had some sort of marketing campaign to promote them.  When I read an A.V. Club list of best films, I expect them to be mostly foreign language, experimental art house, and definitely black and white.  How are you going to prove your obviously superior

How is it this movie can have a community grade of C+?  It's only out in a handful of theaters nationwide.

How is it this movie can have a community grade of C+?  It's only out in a handful of theaters nationwide.

When Ted said the line "Our first guest speaker comes from the year 400 BC, a time when most of the world looked like the cover of the Led Zeppelin album, Houses of the Holy." it caused my 5 year old self to go check out that album, thus sparking a lifelong obsession with Led Zeppelin.  Thank, Bill & Ted.