
My thoughts exactly.

Here I was all ready to be up in arms over ignoring the "shmashmortion" scene in Knocked Up and you go ahead and put it in the very first sentence.  Damn you, A.V. Club, now how am I supposed to satiate myself on righteous indignation over completely irrelevant issues?

Here I was all ready to be up in arms over ignoring the "shmashmortion" scene in Knocked Up and you go ahead and put it in the very first sentence.  Damn you, A.V. Club, now how am I supposed to satiate myself on righteous indignation over completely irrelevant issues?

"I am Clin-Ton. As overlord, all will kneel trembling before me and obey my brutal commands. End communication."

"I am Clin-Ton. As overlord, all will kneel trembling before me and obey my brutal commands. End communication."

And it's not my fault because I forgot to vote

And it's not my fault because I forgot to vote

Don't praise the machine

Don't praise the machine

Another laugh out loud moment for me was when Nucky irritatingly asks "Don't I pay someone to answer that?", then cut to Teddy answering the phone "Thompson residence, may I ask who's calling?"

Another laugh out loud moment for me was when Nucky irritatingly asks "Don't I pay someone to answer that?", then cut to Teddy answering the phone "Thompson residence, may I ask who's calling?"

I tell you, that Lincoln is one cold sumabitch, but damn if he hasn't grown on me.  After I finished scooping up my brains he and I went out for some chimichangas.  That old bastard really knows his way around a chimichanga, must have emancipated half a dozen of those bad boys.

I tell you, that Lincoln is one cold sumabitch, but damn if he hasn't grown on me.  After I finished scooping up my brains he and I went out for some chimichangas.  That old bastard really knows his way around a chimichanga, must have emancipated half a dozen of those bad boys.

Poor T-Dog, I think his death showed us all who's the real seven billion ton robot monster here.  Not you, T-Dog. Not you.

Poor T-Dog, I think his death showed us all who's the real seven billion ton robot monster here.  Not you, T-Dog. Not you.

At least when Teddy is inevitably kicked in the head, no one will be able to tell the difference

At least when Teddy is inevitably kicked in the head, no one will be able to tell the difference

How the hell is Sigrid supposed to brew up 68 cases of whiskey to pay for all those bodies?!

How the hell is Sigrid supposed to brew up 68 cases of whiskey to pay for all those bodies?!

Yes this new wrinkle should be quite the challenge him to straighten out, I hope he sprung for the enamel handle for comfort.