
Yes this new wrinkle should be quite the challenge him to straighten out, I hope he sprung for the enamel handle for comfort.

#11: "If I were registered to vote, I'd send these clowns a message by staying home on election day and dressing up like a clown." Philip J. Fry, Futurama

#11: "If I were registered to vote, I'd send these clowns a message by staying home on election day and dressing up like a clown." Philip J. Fry, Futurama

"Hey T-Dog, the whole world as we know it has come to an end.  Maybe it's time to drop the nickname your gave yourself back in the 3rd grade."

"Hey T-Dog, the whole world as we know it has come to an end.  Maybe it's time to drop the nickname your gave yourself back in the 3rd grade."

Am I the only one who kept picture Mitt Romney as the Governor?  Something about David Morrisey's cold, unnerving trance-like fixation on the aquariums full of decapitated heads reminded me of Romney listening to questions from all those moochers and free-loaders who come to his rallies.

Am I the only one who kept picture Mitt Romney as the Governor?  Something about David Morrisey's cold, unnerving trance-like fixation on the aquariums full of decapitated heads reminded me of Romney listening to questions from all those moochers and free-loaders who come to his rallies.

In other soul crushing news, recent reports indicate that God is dead and we have killed him.  With our constant masturbation.

In other soul crushing news, recent reports indicate that God is dead and we have killed him.  With our constant masturbation.

Bruce-Campbell-with-a-chainsaw-hand vibes are the only way I can achieve orgasm

Bruce-Campbell-with-a-chainsaw-hand vibes are the only way I can achieve orgasm



Away from the big city
Where a man cannot be free
Of all the evils in this town
And of himself and those around
Oh, and I guess I just don't know

Away from the big city
Where a man cannot be free
Of all the evils in this town
And of himself and those around
Oh, and I guess I just don't know

I'm trying to picture her pinched and severely swollen face with Bankrupt and Sick stamped on it, but I don't think it'll push sales

I'm trying to picture her pinched and severely swollen face with Bankrupt and Sick stamped on it, but I don't think it'll push sales

I don't think my Gozer-worshipping needs are in accordance with NYC building codes.

I don't think my Gozer-worshipping needs are in accordance with NYC building codes.

It's pretty clear at this point that Unser should be the only one allowed to make decisions.  Just him at the table with Jax giving the orders to everyone else.  Every other character on the show creates disasters from even the most inconsequential of decisions, but somehow Unser is infallible.  Not even cancer can