
Amy gave a damn.  It was the very first thing she noticed after being returned to her body, which says a lot about both her admiration of Calculon and her own body dysmorphia.

Amy gave a damn.  It was the very first thing she noticed after being returned to her body, which says a lot about both her admiration of Calculon and her own body dysmorphia.

I like how the Professor failed to at any point mention his laser gun takes 15 minutes to warm up.  Classic Farnsworth.

I like how the Professor failed to at any point mention his laser gun takes 15 minutes to warm up.  Classic Farnsworth.

Yaaaay! Calculon's back!  Oh, wait, no he isn't.

Yaaaay! Calculon's back!  Oh, wait, no he isn't.

It's time someone had the courage to stand up and say: "I'm against those things that everybody hates".

It's time someone had the courage to stand up and say: "I'm against those things that everybody hates".

Actually, this episode does abide by the paradox-correcting stipulation.  Because adult Travers chose to go back in time and successfully altered the timeline, he caused the paradox and thus was the one to be corrected, not by getting killed but by being erased from existence.  This matches how Lars was killed because

Actually, this episode does abide by the paradox-correcting stipulation.  Because adult Travers chose to go back in time and successfully altered the timeline, he caused the paradox and thus was the one to be corrected, not by getting killed but by being erased from existence.  This matches how Lars was killed because

Sweet file not found of Puget Sound

Sweet file not found of Puget Sound

Way to put that BA in English to good use

Flagged for not mentioning that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a secret Muslim.  Who is spiritually guided by a radical left-wing pastor.  Wait, hang on a sec…that shifty Obama is trying to confuse me with contradictions!

Flagged for not mentioning that Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a secret Muslim.  Who is spiritually guided by a radical left-wing pastor.  Wait, hang on a sec…that shifty Obama is trying to confuse me with contradictions!

You know, the way you say that kinda makes it sound like we've given up the very rights and freedoms those dang Mooslums tried to steal from us. But that can't be, cause then we'd have turned into the very thing we were fighting against.

You know, the way you say that kinda makes it sound like we've given up the very rights and freedoms those dang Mooslums tried to steal from us. But that can't be, cause then we'd have turned into the very thing we were fighting against.

When you think about it, the fact that Bush's head was displayed next to Ned Stark's means that his decapitated head on a pike was the most positive portrayal of Bush in the media on a non-Fox network.

When you think about it, the fact that Bush's head was displayed next to Ned Stark's means that his decapitated head on a pike was the most positive portrayal of Bush in the media on a non-Fox network.

Alright, just so I'm clear on this: hidden background prop of fake decapitation of most hated president in living memory is bad, retconning president who freed slaves and saved union as vampire hunter good.  Do I have that about right?