
Alright, just so I'm clear on this: hidden background prop of fake decapitation of most hated president in living memory is bad, retconning president who freed slaves and saved union as vampire hunter good.  Do I have that about right?

Thanks a lot Stannis, now I lost my train of thought. Now where was I? Oh yeah….
….If we give up Melisandre's dragon plan…Ned will have to pay for Arya's braces!

Thanks a lot Stannis, now I lost my train of thought. Now where was I? Oh yeah….
….If we give up Melisandre's dragon plan…Ned will have to pay for Arya's braces!

Right, Valar Morghulis means "Dental plan" while Valar Dohaeris means "Lisa needs braces".  Repeat until you become union president at your local nuclear power plant.

Right, Valar Morghulis means "Dental plan" while Valar Dohaeris means "Lisa needs braces".  Repeat until you become union president at your local nuclear power plant.

But one day, that grimy little pimp will grow up to be Mitt Romney.  "Kids, it's easy to start your own business, just borrow $20k from your parents and whore out your secretaries."

But one day, that grimy little pimp will grow up to be Mitt Romney.  "Kids, it's easy to start your own business, just borrow $20k from your parents and whore out your secretaries."

Seriously though, when will they get to the fireworks factory?

Seriously though, when will they get to the fireworks factory?

Not even Jesus could die for this sin

Somewhere on a movie set in Hollywood (or possibly that warehouse where they keep the Ark of the Covenant) is a still-spinning top.

Reading the words "Al'Shra'ider" suddenly put the entire Afghanistan war into perspective for me.  So does that make Pakistan Rocksteady or Bebop?

Look, we all know that toxic ooze has the ability to turn sewer animals into fully conscious and expressive gigantic bipedal anthropomorphic versions of their former teenage selves.   That's why we were always being told not to dump toxic waste into public water works by those PSA's back in the 80s.  But aliens?  That

I agree with you're take on All's Quiet, it's one of the greatest war movies ever made and is just as poignant today as it was then.  But Wings is a little too much spectacle and in my opinion it just doesn't hold up very well today, sort of like a 1920s version of Pearl Harbor without the Ben Assfleck.  It does have

A man wears a hat like that down the street, people know he's not afraid of anything

Ok, so maybe a gap of 15 years is too long to be considered "newly constructed" (only 4 years if you count from the time it was officially re-named), but it is an absolute travesty to leave out the Daley Center (1965/1976) and Blues Brothers (1980). 

An A- to a big budget Hollywood blockbuster, starring Tom Cruise no less?  A.V. Club has just lost some serious hipster cred.  You'll need to literally give Bryan Cranston a blowjob while he reads random lines from last season's Breaking Bad finale while he is sitting on the crapper if you want to make up for it.

I recently read Dragon Tattoo as I was stuck at a small regional airport for several hours and that was one of the few books available at the sole newsstand.  I really was not impressed by either the writing or the whodunnit mystery which I actually figured out the first time the main character meets the villain. 

Perhaps I'm underestimating how difficult it is to buy a fake face in 1921, but doesn't Richard's attachment to that beat up, chewed on piece of tin seem a little odd? 

His son wasn't very likeable anyways.  Grind him up and feed him to those ponies.