
Are you cracking wise now?

Darmody wanted to see what all the fuss was about.

That's because Winter is coming, dur.

How you gonna keep em down on the farm once they've seen Karl Hungus?

I think Nucky was merely trying to spread a little misinformation, like how he feigned ignorance when Jimmy told him it was Manny who killed Angela.  I think even Jimmy knew his death was certain, as his first question upon discovering the Commodore's will was whether the estate would pass to his son upon his death.

I can't wait to see Richard wielding an enchanted sword and locking Esther Randolph behind a wall of ice.

not only did you spell his name wrong, you also misquoted him.  Epic fail.

I Interview erstwhile AV Club reviewer Scott Jones to get his take on this season:

Almost 2 months later and this review is still generating fresh blowback.  Having played the game fully and spent a good chunk of time in multiplayer, I honestly have know idea how Jones could have come up with this score.  Are the mechanics as tight as the FPS's he compares this to? No, but it's not an FPS and at no

I wouldn't say a B is a bad review at all, but that's certainly an issue given how much money gets pumped into hyping a game and how much emotion is tied to existing franchises.  But this isn't a fault solely on the gaming world, how many famous directors and artists end up in the same feedback loop of positive

Has Scott Jones reviewed anything for AV Club since the Uncharted incident?  It seems his reputation as a hateful, arrogant bastard has finally caught up with him since I haven't found anyone willing to print his opinions except his own review show in Canada.  And even on that show he's known as a complete asshole who

No, no, no, no.  Dan Fogler as Tetsuo, Damon Waynes as Kaneda with a secretive cameo of Justin Bieber as Akira.  Throw in a big musical number for the finale, a heartwarming ending, mix together with CGI "borrowed" from Tron and viola!

I'm pretty deflated for next season, since it will be a re-tread of what we've already seen.  Jax will once again have to balance the club's survival against being a pawn for the Feds. Clay will once again try to manipulate and control the club to his own benefit, only now from a different seat at the table.  Gemma

I used to angrily scream "EVERYONE!" into my walkie-talkie too, but then I took an arrow in the knee.

Gary Oldman is one of the best character actors out there, the way he transforms into his role is really great to watch.  I only hope that the Hollywood powers-that-be give him more of a chance to shine like Buscemi in BE. 

It was The Shield, not The Wire.

So little happened in this finale, it should have been called "Not to be, pt 2"

Wow, a B- is way too lenient on this dud of a finale.  After juggling so many plot threads the entire season, just when you think they might actually come together in an explosive finale they all fizzle out into nothing.

I'm wondering why Romeo thinks the feds aren't onto them?  If his informant is correct, at the very least he would know that Otto rolled over on a club member.  Maybe he was right in saying the deal didn't go after the club itself, but if this guy is really that careful (remember back to their first meeting at the

EDIT: Apparently some states actually DO guarantee you a set number of phone calls (3 in California, for example) but not all states.