
Bobby hasn't been arrested yet, he's being held.  The cops can hold you for up to 24 hours without charging you and thus you don't get access to a lawyer.  The 1 phone call thing is an urban myth anyhow.

Dr. Pussy's prognosis is grim.  3 months at best, , but it could happen any minute meow.  I'm sorry I can't be more specific, but these tests aren't purr-fect you know.

Really?  How can you possibly knock Buscemi as Nucky?  His casting takes a role that could have been "generic mob boss" (see: Dabney Coleman) and instead presents a complex man whose meek outward appearance belies his vast power and control.  Exactly the kind of dynamic that prevents Boardwalk from being The Sopranos:

I was about to fly into a rage that you didn't ask him about his role in Layer Cake, but then you saved your ass at the very end.  Otherwise it would have been the icebox for you.

It was my first choice since I have used this username for a long time, and at what point during writing that post did you stop to think that "Hey, unless I'm being exhaustively original and unique and clever at all times, regardless of whether it actually reflect my personality or desires, then I'm wasting my life"

I imagine they were just sitting around the breakfast table, oozing their unique blend of upbeat EMOism, when they suddenly looked at each other and said "Ya know, if we stay together the only inevitable outcome is a cheerful double-suicide."

I'd also like to point out that on Metacritic there are currently 62 positive reviews, 1 mixed review and 0 negative.  Guess who was the 1 mixed review?

So by your logic, all those people who criticize soccer for tie games and low scores are perfectly justified in hating the game because it's not played the way they want it to be.

After playing the game, I can only say that Scott Jones is an imbecile.  One of his major gripes regarded the controls, specifically rolling instead of stealth killing.  THEY ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT BUTTONS!  Don't blame the developers for your lack of fine motor control.  Each of Scott's main complaints are

Daniel Day Lewis would voice himself, but first he would go back to school for 4 years and then work as a game programmer for a decade so he could put himself in the right place.  Nolan North would voice everyone else. 

You gave Uncharted 3 a 'C'?!  Every other gaming site out there has given this game stellar reviews, and you're giving it an average because…why exactly?  Because you don't like that the controls or gameplay is the same as the two previous blockbusters that came before it?  I'm sorry that Uncharted 3 doesn't meet your