Fixda Fernback

Are you joking, seriously? So, as a white male, he shouldn't try to further the discussion on rape culture, or use his place as a famous person to bring it to a more visible forefront? Just because he's currently in the process of learning about his mistakes of the past, and coming to a comprehending of just what it's

So I said

You really oughta watch more of the "You are NOT the father!" reveals from Maury before you make such outlandish claims.

It's almost like everything in the world doesn't have to be understood in terms of "black and white" and that there are actually vast swaths of "Grey area" in between any two sides! But that would just be fucking silly, right?

I know it's kind of cliche around here anymore, but Community really hit home with me more so than it would've, due to it starting right around the time in my life in which I was going through some big changes, just getting out of a 4-year relationship, and I was in a little bit of a "funk" (I say this because it

@Schandlich:disqus Ahhh, haha I didn't even catch that! The Aquabats are awesome too, for sure.


Wake up to the day, bust the shade, let the sun in.

RBF really tend to nail their covers. Then again, as one of like 4 people that frequent the AV Club that don't automatically hate anything with the word "ska" associated, I'm biased I guess. (Seriously, I don't understand all the hate. I love shit like RBF and Less Than Jake still, not to mention contemporary

Oooh, is this the "Edgy!" thread?? I wanna join:

He could always be hit-or-miss IMO. Both Sides of the Brain had some classics on it but overall was meh; and I was never huge on Future Development either. Wish My Brother George Was Here is fucking funky as hell and really fun but I've gotta be in the mood for it. That said, No Need for Alarm is a downright fucking cl

Although the album produced by Cube, "I Wish My Brother George Were Here", is fucking dope as hell

Yeah, who the hell are these guys, "Del the funky homosapien" and "Dan the Automator"?? I don't think I've ever heard of either of 'em before. Doubt they even know what hip-hop is!

I think that's supposed to be a goatee. I know, it looks fucking awful.

You would say that!


Hey you Roody-Poo, there's not a damn thing wrong with some good hip-hop.

Yes, because visuals have no impact on people at all. What a bunch'a maroons!

Clearly, your time is of the highest value.

As long as it's not Deep Hurting!