Fixda Fernback

This guy…. I like this guy.

IMO Del's always been a little hit or miss, at least after his earlier run of stone-cold classics. I don't think that's anything new.

Something about that little ditty is soooo catchy. "What's happening? I keep my dreadlocks in a napkin ring; rap and sing, unlike the homogeneous clones.
I'm into earth tones, birth stones, and erogenous zones…"

@avclub-1fcf31aafbfce2375f45f315a5628117:disqus "Take it easy, Mountain Face!"


I'm dolphinately not goin' to see it.

I'd prefer Whore Island

They're my… tools!

You know, @avclub-848e4c2b079b78f55a8263643e9dd5c0:disqus has a lotta well-wishers here; and a lot of folks who would like to throw him down one!
A well…
They would like to murder you, in a well.

@avclub-dece77bde43dd8d0c0b5ba5af046c6be:disqus "Retarded four, normal zero!"

"A sassmouth? That's a red flag!"

"Are my hands gonna look this small on camera?" God damnit Uncle Jack.


I thought it was extremely clear that it was a takedown of comediennes like Whitney Cummings and Amy Schumer, whose whole schtick consists of basically "I'm a woman and I talk about vagina and so it's edgy and hilarious!" and therefore, purposefully bad comedy.

"Natasha Leggero; you'd yell too, if you performed for more than tens of people…"

Ugh. Seriously, as someone who is late to the game on Breaking Bad, it's pretty disconcerting to see all the "Skyler is a bitch" stuff. Yeah, sure, she gets super shitty about some stuff… but Walt fucked her whole entire life over, without her having any say in it, and made her an accomplice to a lot of crime. I think

You're joking, right? Most of their posts actually pertain to science directly, and include some sort of factoid or bit of knowledge. And they also post the "This week in science" stuff as well, i.e. new discoveries made or theories proven. I understand not liking the "Edginess", but as @Dikachu:disqus says below,

Science has a pretty goddamned mean pimp-hand.

JD Salinger was his sled!

Kinda bummed that the Indianapolis show at The Vogue won't have the backing orchestra, but I understand since it's such a small venue. On a much more badass note, my buddy's band is opening for Deltron 3030 that night!!! I've mentioned them once before, they did a fantastic remix of Daft Punk's "Get Lucky" when it