Fixda Fernback

Oh, you're gonna light my ass on fire?

YA GOTTA LET ME FLY ON THIS ONE!!! *kicks over water cooler*

Also, that's quite a bit


I'm a 25-year old data lifter.

We talked our fifth-grade semi-permanent (i.e. like 4 or 5 months) substitute teacher into letting us watch Spaceballs. The dumb thing is, she DID eventually turn it off, but not until like 4/5 of the way into the movie.

Damn. I haven't watched Scrubs in probably five years, since I finally finished my initial run through the series (and also stopped having cable, where they air it more than almost anything but Fresh Prince), and reading these reviews are making me really want to revisit it, but… you bringing this up and making me

@avclub-d69768b3da745b77e82cdbddcc8bac98:disqus Damn, do *I* love Two Hearted Ale! Probably my favorite beer from Bell's Brewery (which is also one of my favorite breweries, right behind Dogfish Head until the fuckers stopped shipping to Indiana), and one of my overall favorite IPAs. Damnit, now I want one and I

Ahhhh yes, the old "Cringing laugh," my dear old friend… been far too long since I've encountered one around these parts!

"Something About Us" is exactly the song I'm thinking of (along with a couple others) when I laugh at people who say songs like "Touch" are out of place, and is also another perfect example of "the reason I love Daft Punk so much." They're not afraid to come from out of nowhere with a beautiful, low-key song like

Also, to anyone that may get the opportunity: if there's a show near you called "One More Time: Daft Punk'd, a Tribute" or something along those lines… GO! It played here in Indianapolis about six weeks ago, and it's pretty much a recreation of a Daft Punk show. They have the full-on crazy pyramid with all the lights

The moment you called "Touch" ridiculous, was the moment that I knew you and I were not on the same page. This album has a lot of beautiful moments and songs, but that one is downright amazing. I've already given this entire album about ten listens so far, and it just grows on me even more each time—-and that's saying

Which leads to certain ladies fainting dead away. And no one would want that!

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus I grammar police the fuck outta people in the offline-world. But usually only when someone's being an ass, as in trying to correct someone on account of using a preposition at the end of a sentence (which, contrary to popular belief, is perfectly acceptable as long as

Being John Malko-which


I'm honestly almost as excited for Pretty Lights' album as I was for Random Access Memories. Two of my favorite EDM acts, both dropping some revolutionary shit. I love it!

"2Wicky" is an amazing track, go give it a listen and become hooked!

Keep an eye on Pretty Lights' new release (July 2nd I think?) and, I'm not saying it will be better, but be prepared to be surprised… it's the only album I think might possibly give this a run for its money.

Maybe that says more about your tastes being closed-off, than it does about everyone elses' being incorrect? Also, keep in mind how subjective art and music are, if you let that shit bug you you'll never have energy to expend on anything else. Whatever makes people happy man. Plus, from your repeated references to

Damn man, for someone that doesn't care about this music you sure are all over the threads! I usually respect you and your opinions, but you seem pretty petulant in this case, it doesn't suit you at all. If you don't like it, ignore it and move on. Don't be "That Guy." You don't like EDM. We get it!