Fixda Fernback

I love it so much.

It's like disco met funk, had a baby, that baby had a baby with soul, and R & B, and then THAT baby had a baby with EDM. In other words, it's absolutely fucking beautiful.

I caught "One More Time- Daft Punk'd, a Tribute" about a month ago. It was one of the coolest things ever, short of actually getting to see Daft Punk. These two guys have a recreation Daft Punk pyramid setup, and it's pretty much like seeing "Alive 2007" live. It was pretty fucking mindblowing, and I will do anything

Oh don't you even talk smack about Touch! I love the smoothness of this album, and Touch is one of the pinnacles IMO. But the whole thing is amazing front-to-back, really

The elevators… in my miiiiiind, man! *eats another few tabs of acid*

Okay, I never really promote myself or friends or *anything* like that here on the AV Club. So know that the only reason I'm posting this, is because it's genuinely fucking good, and almost reminds me more of oldschool Daft Punk than the single Get Lucky does. It's my buddies from Muncie and Indianapolis that have a

@avclub-52daa17a306006563a5361c316f87c7b:disqus hell yeah they can, Premiers Symptomes is an amazing, pretty funky album. Probably my favorite Air.

Ahh, my first experience with hating both Datt Phan and Ralphie May, and like you said they beat out Todd Glass and Rich Voss, who were both ACTUALLY funny on the show… fuck those guys, every time I see Ralphie May on a commercial doing his "I'm fucking fat, it's fucking hilarious!" thing, I want to shoot myself.

Actually try UN-merging your accounts via disqus, e-mail their customer support and tell them you'd like your AVC account unmerged. It will allow your profile to act normally here (which is what I assume you're going for?), but your past comment history will be a bit wonky.

Did you hear that new Pretty Lights track with Talib on it? It's downright amazing, and makes me even more excited for the new PL album this summer. Not to mention new Talib Kweli

Wait—-people do things without smoking weed first?

And Sheltie nails it with a gif/jpg yet again!


I'll believe that the day I fucking see it haha.

Can any vagina be said to be truly "innocent"?

"He kept helpfully pointing out some spots that might do."

The only hallucination I ever think I got from weed was when I was still pretty new to it (smoking, probably, once a week or less), and my buddy and I smoked a joint made of roaches from joints. We got super-stoned, and I was envisioning everything as that Paper Mario style animation. It was, needless to say, pretty

The Far Cry 3 mushroom trips are actually pretty decent. A bit exaggerated, but very similar to a few of the stronger trips I've had, especially when you're out somewhere like camping in the woods away from civilization… things get pretty weird pretty quick haha.

As you might've gathered from what I've said elsewhere, I enjoy illicit substances, as long as I've researched them thoroughly, and know exactly what it is (harm reduction through education). I tend to be pretty open to most stuff (not into hard opiates, barely fuck with straight speed—i.e. coke, adderall, never even

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Obviously it's easier to cut powder… but it's also easier to test powder, hence you tend to get less bullshit in it, as long as you are knowledgeable enough to not just go buy some random shit at a concert. Most shows DO tend to offer bunkpolice or dancesafe booth at