Fixda Fernback

Ecstasy can be just as awesome for bluegrass, jam, hip-hop, EDM, noise-rock, punk, metal, whatever as long as you actually enjoy it and know yourself/the drug well enough to put you at your optimal place. It's probably one of my favorite things to do, but it takes a LOT of self-control because that shit will fry your

LOL, what? Molly is "X", aka "ecstasy", aka MDMA (often cut with speedy bullshit like piperazines and pressed into pill form, sold as "rolls" or "X"), except Molly is just MDMA in powder form, hence more easily tested and less likely to be bunk, cut BS. So, in other words, Molly is better unless you like paying for

Oh fuck. That lack-of-communication. That's what does it the worst for me when I'm tripping on acid. I get goofy, giggly, energetic, pretty positive/happy for the most part with a bit of spirituality/reflectiveness… but goddamn there is nothing more frustrating and silly than knowing what you want, knowing exactly how

I loved that movie so unabashedly back in high school, haha. It's funny that it's being brought up here, because I was just talking about it a week ago for the first time in ages.

Deer antlers aren't herbs!

FUCK! The AV Club: the only place someone will *always* just barely beat you out with a somewhat obscure reference. Well done.

Funky butt-loving!

Awwww there go my nipples again!

And he's so freaking petulant about everything. "It's not written exactly to my standards, therefore there are no redeeming qualities and it is shit!" Or, as noted by others elsewhere in the comments, he's even absolutely fucking miserable when he's reviewing a show he "likes" and even grades somewhat favorably. He

It seems like he saw one episode he just really didn't like and extrapolated it to assume that "OH HURR DURR ALL EPISODES MUST BE JUST LIKE THIS ONE!!!!11!!" I don't think he could be more wrong about the show if he were actively trying.

Some of that came around here like a month ago! It had an extremely good taste. Not quite *pineapple* but very very close… sort of an un-placeable "tropical fruit" taste and smell. I really liked the high from it though. I still have yet to find a strain I just all-around love more than Blue Dream, though… which is,

Or you could just smoke, but do it in a really determined fashion!

Concerts! There are always pretty awesome concerts, but falling on a Saturday will guarantee some crazy ones. I requested off work this year (not because I give a shit about it as a stoner's holiday… it's fun, but I get high as hell every OTHER day of the year, why make a special fact out of one?) because just near me

Remer: "I don't know where the hell he is. For all I care, he could be hanging by his neck in his fuckin' closet."

Guido Sar-douchebag

George Bush doesn't care about black judges!

I heard he's a liar.

@avclub-53a226780628f3d898494942ad3dd491:disqus @avclub-35a00215eb3d273078fbdeeadb3dfe10:disqus Thanks a LOT guys, now I've gotta go put that album on… again! Seriously though, it's so fucking solid, and good, and soulful. People that think DJ's have no talent need to listen to that album. And then kill themselves.

Deltron 3030

Are you going to the Daft Punk tribute show in Indianapolis (Broad Ripple) in a couple weeks? I'm hoping they'll come nearby in support of this album, but until then the tribute show will do for me.