
I think, from a storytelling perspective, you need Frank with the people from the new plane. I'm convinced they're Widmore's people and are going to crash on the Island in '09. Frank will be with them, well… because we need a friendly face with the new characters.

I loved last week's episode. I guess I just don't care about Jack.

That would explain it!

I thought Hawking was smug. I hate it when the characters in the know lord it over the people they're explaining too. Ben does it, Juliet does it, and Hawking does it and it is incredibly annoying.

I think it would be interesting if the o6 had been with the Dharma Initiative for 3 years. For one, Jin could have learned English.

Kate has money. If shed dumped Aaron on Cassidy, I imagine she'd drop some ducats too. I hope it's Cassidy, I've been in love with Kim Dickens since the Zero Effect and can't see enough of her.

Then again, dispiriting the romantic and proposing that as the real definition of a relationship was the point. Still, depressing.

I haven't seen the movie in years, but I remember it to be pretty dispiriting. My recollection of it was that she was saying their life together was a lot of surface, and was most likely going to end, but at least they could fuck for now. Maybe that is just real life to a lot of people, or at least contemporary life,

After reading through the rest of the posts, I like the idea that the O6 were pulled off the plane into the 70's but the plane crashed in '09.

Very cool moment when he came on the intercom and indeed the best line of the episode. I'm glad they didn't get rid of Fahey.

I like the idea that Ben ran into Widmore's men. That would be appropriate.

Sending the characters back to take part in significant historical moments is a common feature of the Star Trek universe, so I am not sure how unique it is.

I don't know why those villains were so weak, but if they had a real nemesis, one who was a match for House, it could work. No show is interesting when the hero always wins, especially one that is wrong all the time. I'd like to see someone with some moral and intellectual authority challenge house. Like people have

You're right, it has been a while since that occurred to me, but in the first couple of seasons I kept thinking it was bad enough that these doctors almost kill the patients three or four times before they are cured, they really treat their patients like shit. You'd think someone would complain.

This week
Evil Triumphs because good is dumb.

No, there isn't.

"manage not to kill him" dammit!

It was definitely cool to see Pierce again. Unlike Jack, his awesomeness is unadulterated by all the collateral damage. Also, Larry is turning into a cool character, I hope they manager not to kill him.

This is probably my favorite show right now
But I'm getting the feeling it is going to be like the Greatest American Hero if they don't switch things up a bit soon. That was a great show, a huge hit for the first year and a half and then it just died. The problem was that Ralph got too good with the suit, they got too

If this show is going to get back on track, he needs a real nemesis. Someone who can actually win a couple of battles. I think we need to see another administrator take over for Cuddy for a while, maybe the baby can get sick for a few weeks.