
I'm fairly certain
That Jack pulled a gun on the paramedic, he didn't just demand stuff. It'd be interesting to see Jack go whole hog over the edge, you know even for Jack, and have to have someone else pull him back.

I don't think saying "here, this is a genre and it's good, here are a couple of examples" is the right way to promote geekery. You want to create obsessives, you have to give them details. Another paragraph or two of context from which to start is all I'm interested in.

Good idea
But I'd like to see more about what distinguishes the genre, or movement. What should I be looking for that makes the French New Wave different than what came before, or after? What should I look at to see what they were reacting to, did anyone react to them? Tell me a little about how they incorporate their

I sort of skimmed past your middle sentence there Bob, seems like you got my point and I didn't get that you got it. Sorry.

My point was that if they go in order, after Tango (great girl's name) and Uniform (not really good for anybody), if the next one was a woman you'd end up with a hot girl named Victor, or Oscar, or Romeo, or a buff dude named Juliet. They probably don't go in strict order.

I don't know, Baltar shows similar levels of spite and he's not above sexual manipulation, he did it with D'Anna and any Six he can find. He's a weasel who will cause havok and death out of petulance and has the same fragile ego. I'd say he and Ellen are very much alike. Most of the time, I find them both insufferable.

Ah, of course! Thanks

I don't really see them as the antithesis of the humans, they seem all but identical. The Earth cylons made the exact same mistake as the colonists and they demonstrate all of the same failings.

I think they'd have to go at least a little out of order. I mean, you don't want to introduce your client to his blond, nubile companion, Victor.

What does LCD stand for in this context? I mean, Liquid Crystal Display, yes, but I'm fairly sure he's not saying Conan is a television set. I've seen it before but assumed it was a misspelling of OCD. Thanks in advance.

I apologize for stepping on your joke. I didn't notice the winky thing the first time.

Hotel is actually a great name for an escort.

I knew they were using the phonetic construction, I just always thought it was spelled "Alpha." I like these boards, I almost always learn something new.

I mean the rest of the cast, besides Dushku, leaves me flat. Nice hulu add from her as well.

I like Lennix and would watch Amy Acker reading the phone book on C-SPAN, but the rest of the cast has left me flat so far.

Oh, and no question Tigh was saying the cylons can't survive without the humans, it sounds now like they never could. As for the humans surviving without the cylons, I guess it makes some sense if you say "now that we've destroyed their entire civilization they need our help to survive," but if they are saying that

It sounded to me like Ellen was saying she and Tigh could never conceive, even on Earth, because he didn't love her enough. Maybe that was hoo-hah she was saying just to get under Six's skin, but it felt honest to me. She was mad he was sleeping with his daughter, she was always mad at him for being more concerned

awfully presumptuous
Why do humans need the cylons, they don't seem too weak to survive to me. They just need to find a place to set down without the damn cylons trying to kill them and to learn the three laws of robotics, or just not rely on robots.

Yeah, it may have been my least favorite since the Woman King.

So even on "Earth" cylons couldn't have kids unless they were in love?
Well that means that they definitely weren't the future us and that definitely wasn't our Earth. It does make casual sex a lot less problematic though.