
Actually, now that I think about it, if Bell was from the alternate universe, it wouldn't make sense for him to have written it. Unless it was actually written as a call to arms on his side of the rift and then leaked over here.

I like the idea that Bell is Walter from a parallel universe. For one, it would be a cool way explain why they can have the same typewriter. Some things are different, some things are the same.

I was thinking the same thing, why couldn't Bell have written it? But the Walter/Bell theory has been floating around a bit as well.


They do share a typewriter. Because they share a body!

More signs of life from Olivia
The way she was needling Peter a bit to get him to find one of his weird contacts, adorably hot. She did it again later. I'm falling more and more in love with both Olivia and and Ana Torv.

There was a close up on him in the crowd as the newspaper guy was reeling. He had on a fedora. It was the only time I've ever seen him.

I like ambiguity, particularly since the situation is ambiguous.

Agreed on the coup.

I'm on Nathan's side
If they killed off Claire and Peter this might actually be a good show. Their heavy breath acting, their complete lack of common sense, and their self-righteousness makes me hate the show whenever they are on screen.

Jack was indeed being a dick
After Agent Hotness feels conflicted about threatening to torture a baby, Jack says something like, "Things are very intense, I can understand if you can't handle it."

Perhaps the worst line I've ever seen on this show
"Motobo asked me to listen to what they have to say, and I'm willing do so."

Sure it does, humans created cylons, who became human and forgot they were cylons, who then created cylons. It all happened before an it will all happen again.

Those aren't the peaceful cylons, those are the fundamentalist cylons.

I assumed it was some sort of corrosion, which would mean that Galactica can't stay out there much longer. It is going to make it that much more important to find a place quick. That is what I took from it at least.

Wait till daddy gets home
I liked Roslin's speech at the end, but I loved her telling the cylons to stay because when Adama did win, they were going to want to be on his good side. Both were pretty bad ass, and we also got a nice moment between them at the end.

Coups often do end that quickly
How did the original cylons go from genocidal bad asses to such whiners? I know they can die now, and they didn't find Earth but between this and Six's little rant in the cell last week their constant crying is really bugging me. It seems to me that by making people we liked cylons,

On the Daily Show they called it an Isro, which is a far superior name for it.

I like that people call their own planets by the star and the number from the star. "Where are you from?" "Sol 3"

Sitting through seven hours of not much happening is much less frustrating than sitting through nine weeks of not much happening. You also get the 24 effect, where you get caught up in the momentum and are worried about what will happen next instead of having the time to think about the ridiculous things that just