
We'll see. It would be more interesting if she was the only one that got sick and that was why she killed everyone. I had forgotten about that bit, but now it seems less likely that there is any sickness at all. No one else who has come on the island, tailies, losties, freighties, have gotten sick, maybe Danielle is

At this point, if they explain everything else, I'd be willing to let the smoke monster remain a mystery. It might even be a cool way to end it.

Not if the radius is three dimensional. A helicopter hovering right above JIn could be out of the radius if he was right on the edge. At least that is how I would fudge it.

I didn't like them not subtitling the French. I don't suppose it really matters what they were saying, "oh we're in trouble, look an island" isn't necessarily compelling dialog, but I think they should save the no subtitles when there is a good reason for us not to know what is being said. It seems they normally do it

The only way to not make it obvious it was Rousseau would be to have them not speak at all, and I figured it was Jin after a few seconds of seeing him on the raft, but I was sure it was the end of the episode. I was pleased there was more show though. The real surprise was that it being Jin wasn't the final reveal.

I was thinking, "except all the times you weren't," Scotteb. Mostly she's all on her own.

Then again, Richard, or someone else on the island may have a phone. We've seen them communicate with the outside world before.

I'm not sure the constant thing applies here. They are actually physically traveling through time. Only Desmond's mind was going back and forth. Also, Faraday was willing to be quite clear with Desmond about the constant, why wouldn't he do the same.I don't think it is the same thing.


On a second thought though, last night it did seem to me that her shirts were to be more open than they have been in the past, which I enjoyed. Though that might have been my imagination.

I don't know if they are dolling her up more, but she is definitely smiling more and her body language is much less twitchy and standoffish. Watch her just standing next to people last episode and compare it to the episode before and this one and you'll notice a big difference.

Yeah, I was pretty sure that was the porcupine guy busting out the door.

I'm not saying you can end the main mystery, or would even try, but there can be a resolution of a story element. Watch Wonderfalls, or Firefly, or The Inside, all canceled by Fox, they all had at least one of the character arcs reach a conclusion that would give some sort of closure. They also did it well here. I

There aren't evil guys and innocent guys. It's just a bunch of guys.

At first I was implying that the writers were trying to get us to drive more, but what if that is Massive Dynamic's plan? They must have oil interests, maybe the whole point is to get us to stop taking mass transit.

Isn't that two plane-loads of people and a bus in three months?

Episode 13
I think it is worth noting that this is episode 13, the end of the original order for most new series, and according to DVD commentaries a lot of people like to tell a complete story in those 13. Excellent episode, and a good way to end Olivia's storyline with Scott if it didn't go any further.

I know times are tough
But it is a really bad sign when even criminals aren't doing business in dollars.

You're forgetting their obligatory flashback episode Blurry. Obviously we are going to get some lame ass explanation for how they all got to where they were. Just wait, all will be revealed, then contradicted, then retconned, then forgotten.

But it is a poor analogy. As much as people might scream that the various civil rights movements were going to destroy society, they were only going to redistribute power. The laws of society still operate, basically, that we are all vulnerable to one another so we have to get along for the most part.