
As it turns out
Good will triumph because Evil is dumb. Who'd a guessed it. Once again, a plot that only works if some of the main characters are stupid.

Yeah, I thought that was nice callback.

I mean ceiling, not roof.

I bought it for the first half, it is Dwight after all. It went over the top when Dwight didn't stop Jim from destroying the copier or start panicking (realizing he had gone to far) when Oscar climbed into the roof. Dwight is insane, I don't think he's stupid, even he should be able to see things were going too far.

From now on, I will say "Punching the Koala" when I mean, you know…

Caprica Six has been in that brig for two seasons now.

It was a serious question. Zarek was in prison because he was revolutionary. Thus he was obviously a failed revolutionary. So what does he know about successful revolutions.

Yeah, I was concerned for Racetrack. I was pretty sure Starbuck was going to shoot them all. It probably would have been more in character for her to put one in each of them to make sure they didn't follow.

I'm not sure citizenship based on threat would work. I think better to sell them as refugees following them in broken ass ship, but any kind of sales job would have been a good move.

Yeah, he was a good character, a civilian pressed into military service below his level of training. I always thought they should have used him more, I think he would have given an interesting perspective.

I particluarly liked how she shot Skulls without a thought. It was definitely nice to see her neither crazy nor moping, watching her be badass for a little while was nice change.

Yeah, I've gotten to the point I just want all the sixes to shut up. Their smug condescension about the evils of humanity lacks gravity coming from genocidal assholes.

Zarek started this show in Prison
How much does he know about successful revolutions?

If you watch Dexter, it becomes clear that the Miami police are completely incompetant. It seems perfectly logical to me.

Yep. I wasn't sure at first looking at him, he's grown up, but his voice is pretty distinctive.

I Liked this one a lot (as I usually do)
They showed some bad ass, which is always cool, and like Noel said, heavy on the how-to today. As for there resolution, I can buy the boss getting rid of Felix for being sub par compared to the new gang in town, but even a gangster has to recognize that Felix wasn't trying to

Hey String!
There's Wallace!

Oh, and one more thing i just remembered. Buffy did that thing where she says "Tell me" or whatever and chambers a round. "Click-Click" Which means she had been holding the gun on him the entire time without a round chambered.

Kate is the most schizophrenic of all the characters. She doesn't want to be evil so she kills somebody, she's a badass who's always crying, she betrays everyone and then asks for trust, tells no one anything and is surprised when they don't do what she asks, and she's in love with Jack but sleeps with Sawyer. Plus

I do know a Fat Tony though, doesn't everybody?