

He did have a lot of catching up to do. He was alone on that island for a loooong time.

He doesn't seem the type to hit a pregnant lady with a truck just to test a theory, but I don't know how non-violent he is. He did just admit to killing a bunch of soldiers who weren't attacking him.

I like the idea of putting up a few talking points and then coming back. In ninety minutes, many of the reasonable discussions have solidified into solid themes and you can comment on some of those as well.

Still, there is a bit of dead time when these people are walking places. Any sane person would have asked her straight out by now. If they could just let her spill what she knows and keep it limited, I at least could move on from one of my pet peeves.

Richard really seems to be moving forward in time at a normal rate, he just is getting a lot of information from time travelers. I say he is "simply" immortal.

Pet Peeves
Strategically, sending Buffy the Other as the sole guard on someone disarming a nuclear weapon, when most everyone else is just standing around, seems pretty dumb.

While at the forefront of JJ Abrams shows, it seems to me that in practically every genre show the father turns out to be a villain or an ass. X-Files had it, in Heroes everyone's dad is evil, Pushing Daisies, Chuck. My guess is that it has something to do with a more general dissatisfaction the kind of people who

It looks to me like it is going to be Peter and Olivia's sister. So I'm guessing rhombus.

It was a step back
Olivia seemed more fidgety and physically standoffish than she has in a few weeks, back to the ticks of the early episodes, and the plot resolution was a little weak, but overall it was pretty good. Also, I think the thing with Peter and Olivia's sister might throw in an interesting wrench as long

You're probably right about the bookends, but the interminable speeches in the middle bugged the hell out of me.

The President's studpidity
In this one is becoming unwatchable. When someone has hostages, the proper answer isn't "Fuck you," it is to stall for time. I hope the Secretary of State does start impeachment proceedings, stupid ass justification speech or not.

I did like that Wilson claimed he had gone to "Mommy what will I look like." Next week, Dip-a-Pet to cheer up the ailing 13.

Yeah, Chriisy, you're right. I was just trying to come up with some explanation that would fit his character, but it doesn't really work. And now that I think of it, why does Cameron dismiss it out of hand? It isn't as if medical ethics are her concern, actual ethics are, and taking care of people, I doubt she'd be so

Also, I thought it was ethics with Chase too, but it could be Chase telling Foreman to look out for his career. He's in sort of a lose/lose position here, as Zack said, she is awfully hot.

I liked it too, though mainly because I like seeing 13 when she softens a bit. I do feel like we haven't seen House and Wilson much though. We need to get back to that.

I saw that movie, it was called "Millennium" I think, and it involved plane crashes.

I think it is fair to say that monogamy in this culture operates similarly to monogamy in the US, which means people cheat and it is considered a betrayal, hence Tyrol punching out Hot Dog, and Lee, Dee, Anders and Starbuck all being pissed off at each other. Let's not try to let the writers off the hook. They took

I think you're right Girlie, it is a way to sever Tyrol's ties to the fleet. That might have been the best bit tonight, Tyrol trying to figure out "Our" and "Your," which "We" he was a part of. Some funny bits and some great character work.

Yeah, suddenly rewriting Cally as a two-timer and Gaeta as a badass were not good moves. They've just run out of main characters who aren't cylons.