
They explained it Enterprise, however.

Where is the federation?
I'm way ahead now, and realizing how few of the episodes I have actually seen. I watch TNG religiously, but as a kid couldn't get past the cheese of the original and it seems I didn't see many of these early episodes.

No problem.

My point is that, with all the stuff about the burn notice, as with what Noel said, the real fun is in stopping the bad guy of the week. We know it, we're just waiting for Michael to figure it out. I'm suggesting that we need to make space for shows like this on TV, even ones without an overarching plot, because they

We need more classic PI type shows
I like it because it's like a good 80's show, Magnum PI or something. The overarching plot is just something they have to throw in for contemporary viewers and to keep him in Miami. It even has the Magnum , PI instructional voice over.

Yeah, I expected I would be proven wrong, as I usually am with Lost, but I still think the logic holds. I'll be interested to see what the real explanation is.

As far as the debate went, when I think of particular moments they are really funny, Jim talking to Kevin, the thing with Stanley, Kelly freaking out, but as a whole it just didn't feel like much.

I go into a little more detail on page 4, but it seems to me that the only way what we are seeing is possible is if the island moves in space, and has in the past, and the people are moving in time.

It would have crashed there five years ago, or whenever, if the island had moved before.

On a second viewing
It seems like the Island can't be moving through time, just the characters.

He's good, but I'm with Noel, I'm starting to get really concerned about his health.

Yeah, that bugged me a little too. On the other hand, the kind of people who wear convenience store shirts that say "I 'heart' shiz tzus" are probably of a socioeconomic group that is prone to being overweight.

I don't think either Jack or Locke would have Ben kill the Dharma people.

And Clemson has never beaten UNC in Chapel Hill, ever, and were not going to.

There is something unsatisfying about a story when you find out that all of the choices were made for the characters, that they really had no choice in the matter. At least that is how I feel about it. The whole Desmond thing should get us out of it, but I always find the Hegelian destiny thing dramatically

Oh, and when Kate says "What kind of person do you think I am?" I thought for sure she was going to say "A killer." It was certainly what I was thinking. It was awesome the way it happened, though.

Okay, I've probably seen every episode twice, but I have no idea who this Frogurt is, except for a reference to the best Simpsons exchange ever.

You have to load them point up so the points don't bend or dull. At least according to my Mother.

Yes, but for how long did the Australians use the M-1? The US Marines were still using them at the beginning of Vietnam. I like Red Curtain's theory below, they are related to Hurley's institutionalized friend. Or they're Rousseau's people.

No, the woman Sun shot was Trixie from Deadwood.