
In "The Constant" didn't Faraday say that Desmond couldn't change the future? Now, if you can't change the past and can't change the future (which would make sense if time travel were possible but multiple timelines were not), it is going to end up more like The Stand, with everyone just marching inexorably toward a

Oh yeah. She was a jeweler right?

I want to know how she got from a jewler's to Oxford.

Yeah, those definitely looked like WWII rifles and uniforms to me, so the 30's into the 70's.

Isn't the Black Rock a 19th century sailing ship? What if they are part of the French Lady's group. I'd like to see what happened to them, and you could have a young, non-crazy version of French Lady.

And no, I don't remember her
What episodes is Ms. Hawking in?

Someone finally just smacked Daniel
I've been waiting for someone to do that since this show started. Someone tells them, "we don't have time," or "you wouldn't understand." No torture, just smack and he gave us an explanation. It was kind of like Juliet last year when she said "explain it slowly and we'll catch up,"

Chick fights were definitely hot when they consisted of pulling hair and rolling around on the ground. Bad ass chick fights, with chicks who actually know how to fight, mean a lot less chance that clothes are going to come off.

It's the Cigarette Smoking Man, he never wants to see Donovan McNabb with the Super Bowl.

I think you can make a distinction between good and innocent. None of our characters are innocent and a good bunch of them should probably be in jail, but like Chrissy said, they're not "E-viiil". Ben on the other hand, he's the worst kind of evil, the kind that is certain he is good. (See our previous administration

I think it would be hard to say Ben's anything but a villain. He may not think of himself as one, but he did murder at least a hundred people, including his own father. My feeling is that there are two sets of bad guys and two sets of good guys. Ben and Penny's father are both villains and John and Jack are both good

Cheers had a great ending. Quantum Leap had the best ending ever.

Agent Hotness
Good name by the way.

Nice line there. I liked this one, and I like that for once House was wrong about something, even if it was only the shower.

The other cylons don't know what the hell is going on either. Hell, if she is their daughter, even Tigh doesn't know it. I'm not sure even Moore knows what is going on.

Baltar is a villain. He is funny, and his villainy comes mostly from selfishness, cowardice and petulence, but he is still a villain. He gave a cylon a nuclear weapon because Roslin was mean to him in a letter.

I think the final five are there to stop the cycle. After the same thing happening over and over for billions of years, they decide they will introduce themselves into the chain to stop it from happening again. They found a way to recreate themselves in the future in another place (who the hell knows). Starbuck got

There are people creating cylons and cylons becoming people then creating cylons. They could be cylons that had become people that created cylons. Once the cylons start thinking of themselves as people and start reproducing naturally, they differentiate. And our heroes are also cylons, but just from further back,

more scroll bars
Site looks great, and I like a lot of the new functionality, but I'd like to see more scroll bars on the main page, like in the newswire section, particularly in TV club, but it would work on everything on the right side of the page.

To the last I will grapple with thee.
From Hell's heart, I stab at thee.
For hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee.