
Lennie has the best fake American accent of all of them, next to Maggie.

I have a feeling there will be some people coming to his prayer meeting, just not the people he expects

How would they know? Rick tore all the flyers down

I think Enid was throwing water bottles around

Another thing, Korl's hat looked big on him when he was a little kid, now it looks downright sombrero-like. What's up with that hat?

Mr. Burns: A sand-wedge, and open-faced club!
Homer: Mmmm, an open-faced club sandwedge

Hasn't "Jumped the shark" "Jumped the shark"?

The fact he still had two legs after that is very odd

Obviously he was keeping his EYE on the fence. *rim-shot*

You forgot about season two

I really wanted Glenn to wake up at the end of the episode in bed with Bob Newhart and say, " I just had had the strangest dream. I just dreamt that I was married to a beautiful blonde and we owned an inn that was going to be turned into a golf club. "

as a doctor, can you explain the intestines coming out of glenn's chest cavity?

he's turning into that guy who says, "there's two really happy days in a man's life, the day he buys his first RV and the day he sells it."

So why wasn't Glenn a guest on Talking Dead? All the dead cast shows up as a surprise guest. They do! I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm lost. Hold me. Ok, gotta get back to work.

Zombie Tuco, still waiting for him…

I think Doakes was the Bay Harbor Butcher. And I didn't hate the last episode, but I did expect the standard Shawshank Redemption ending where he is thought to be dead, but shows up unexpectedly on a beach with Hannah and son. I would have been happy with the cliché. But they went with the Wolverine escape from

All they need is a good pair of bib overalls, instant redneck baby-sling

Gabriel was relying on God to keep his head shaved. I guess that relationship is over now.

Personally, I would like to see Bob's BBQ'd leg make another appearance. Maybe that's part of the "good news" for next week

I believe they were blown away by a sharknado. I know there was no evidence that there was a sharknado, but there is also no evidence there wasn't. It would've made this episode more interesting.