
Zombie sharks come in season 6

Based on this, you would love "Under the Dome", renewed a third season for our viewing pleasure

I miss Bob's BBQ'd leg

I think she stabbed her in the flak jacket. Even less effective.

I believe when you leave a hospital, protocol requires they wheel you to the exit. Rules are rules.

They should make Bob's barbequed leg a regular cast member

Now he won't be able to appear anywhere without his bowling ball zombie head

I wanted to see Daryl put two fingers in the eyes and one in the nose, but he decided to go with the no-thumb bowling approach instead. The man can adapt.

Physics would have implied they land upside-down, at least windshield first. But then you wouldn't have had the "Wait for it…walkers". As a director, you have to make a choice.

I went through 40 legal pads and couldn't get even one of them to flame up as quickly as he did. Shoot, now I don't have any legal pads.

That a was pure A-Team truck "launching off other car" stunt. I still don't see how they can say that's actually possible in a bus even if the other car was ramp-shaped.

I felt the weird urge to take a drink every time someone said "Bob"

It was funny when they replayed the scenes from the massacre on Talking Dead, you could actually see everything.

What do you call a Bob with no arms and no legs floating in the…wait I don't think that's right…

I don't know about meat, but I know there is Tainted Love:

Remember back in the 70's or 80's when Hostess renamed "Ding Dongs" to "King Dons"? Because it sounded like "Ring Dings"? Wasn't that stupid? What were we talking about again?

I believe in the post-apocalyptic world, you would have to order and wait for the DVD, which might or might not be delivered by a zombie.

Zombie Tuco, just sayin…

An Carol's hair doesn't seem to grow…at all. Who's cutting it, Michonne?

RIP, hippie Sam, your peaches were, well, to die for.