
I thought they were going to deliver some cobbler, that's why Ezekiel was so mad at Jerry at the beginning. They were going to be short a cobbler.

BUT JERRY GOT TO EAT THE COBBLER! Why does nobody understand this?

But Jerry got to eat the cobbler, isn't that enough for you?

I was so happy he got to bring the cobbler. He did get to bring the cobbler, right?

You forgot the inexhaustible supply of moonlight

I don't remember ordering a full episode about Tara, can I send this one back?

It's apparent that though many of you threatened to quit the show, you really didn't. You might have fallen into the hate-watchers group. But you still watch it And secretly like it.

No a single mention of Gabriel getting his badass on and quoting scripture and shooting that guy like Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction? None? Do we care so little about our little bundle of nerves?

All the zombies didn't die in the lake, it was a way to draw them away from everyone else. I thought that was obvious.
And, Yea, Sam finally got eaten by the monsters! I actively cheered that part.

(Weak spoiler) If nothing else, the idea of Rey + Chewie + Falcon makes me want to buy my ticket to see Episode VIII tomorrow.

I'll admit the similarities bothered me, I expected more from JJ. But my kids loved it, that's all that matters.

Why can't anyone fix that god damn hyperdrive motivator?

I think Greedo is more likely, gives new meaning to the phrase "Greedo shot first"

Yeah sorry, typo. I did admit I was old. The Force is weak in me

I liked the movie overall. But I've seen IV - VI more than I care to admit and still IV remains my favorite. VI (ugh, corrected) was awesome but I hated how it ended, with ANOTHER death star? Really, George Lucas?. Before VI came out, I already knew it was going to be a rehash of IV, but I still liked it. For VII, I

They needed Yukon Cornelius to come in and sing "One Foot in Front of the Other".

sorry, didn't have time to troll imdb for the quote

That's cause the entire cast is from the UK (or it seems like that sometimes). They're writing dialogue for English people faking American accents faking hillbilly accents.

I was actually expecting the errant water bottle would draw the walkers back, like the tin can drew them away