
He should have just shot Julia in the other leg

They must have hired the writers left over from Revolution

If I remember my "step into the light" movie references correctly, "Poltergeist" plainly reminds us that the light is not a good thing to step into. But these people should do it anyway.

Thank God I have Walking Dead to replace this until next season. Dean Norris really should have been on that show along with zombie Tuco

Wait, I know this one…don't tell me…

Rebecca was just itching at the chance to thin the herd a little. And, let's face it, if you are stabbed in the back and you have a mouth full of blood (the one gruesome effect this show excels at next to splitting a cow in half), you are pretty much doomed without the dome's help. Dome-Doomed?

I never watched Lost, but does this mean I don't have to now? Please say yes.

Sorry, I fell asleep during your recap

I fell asleep at the end, what happened?

Why, oh why couldn't Rebecca be pulled into the vortex? And why is she a lowly science teacher instead of working on a cure for ebola or cancer? She seems to know how to solve every problem, regardless of it being medicine or physics related. This really makes me miss the plot development that was Revolution.

Random thoughts… This was the longest Queen video ever made. I loved how Sean Connery claimed to be from Egypt, but didn't try to hide his Scottish accent (and thus lose all credibility), and he was training Lambert, who was supposed to be Scottish, but had some weird French/Belgian/Swiss mumbo-jumbo accent that was

Yes, I think that's what I said.  And why only sharks and shark relatives?  Aren't there a shitload of seals, squid, jellyfish and whales that would have also been distributed into the thousands of retirement home pools in that area as well?

As if the rest of the movie was less ridiculously funny, why did Fin have to blow up the pool after the sharks landed in it?  Weren't they pretty much a bit less dangerous at that point?  And how does an empty gas can explode like that?  My brain started to hurt after that point.