
It's funny because you're an anonymous guy on the internet joking about a child's death!

It's horrible that the president of the United States did this, but please learn what a bodyslam is.

They'll miss that Cowabunga Lifestyle.

I bet he kissed her and everything!

What if he has to watch Ant-Man to save Nick Frost's life? What then?

She was cute.

Both used perfectly in Transfomers: The Movie.

It's a perfectly cromulent word.

Is Macy Gray in this one?

You can give a Marvel movie a higher rating than "B" if you want, Dowd. You won't lose your cool cred.

I'll keep watching the skiis.

He was more convincing as a wrestler in this than when he actually was a wrestler.

2014 movie.

Lily Collins has sexy eyebrows in this.

It feels like Blaine having amnesia was supposed to be important but they decided it was terrible and scrapped it and it threw off the rest of the season.

Can't they cancel the fucking Flash and give all the money to iZombie? I mean, it would make no sense from their point of view but it would make me happy.

And slipped on their drumsticks!

Mark Frost gets no regard. No esteem either.

Dougie Jones moved like a cobra.

That's not cool.