
She really doesn't.

…what does that have to do with this week's?

This guy's fun to watch, Maggle!

Very young, try not to sexualise, etc.

Single Female Wonder Woman, fighting for her client, wearing sexy mini skirts and being self reliant.

Maybe Whedon only wrote that script TO FOOL LLOYD BRAUN.

Review reads like it's the worst thing ever and it gets a C?

Remember when 10 Cloverfield Lane kept getting called "J.J. Abrams' 10 Cloverfield Lane!" despite him not writing or directing it? That was annoying.

Said Thomas.

By your first paragraph I take it you've been looking at the tumblr tag.

I thought Kristin Chenoweth was just botoxed to fuck.

Why does Crispin Glover get his name in the opening credits but Gillian Anderson doesn't?

This show sucks without Iannucci.

How long before this show gets the bullet points only review treatment?

You killed five actors! Good ones!

She was awful.


It would be funny if she got really ill from doing this.


I liked the music.